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PSR SX 700 Problem with Right 3 sound

Started by dupakos, Jan 11, 2023, 06:28 AM

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Every time the Rihgt 3 sound is selected (on), ONLY the right 3 sound is heard. Regardless of which other sounds are on. There is no mixing of the sounds. When the right 3 is closed (off), the other sounds are heard normally. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Do you have the same problem? Is this a general problem with sx700s or does it only happen to mine? Thanks

Graham UK



Hi, Ive noticed that on the sx900. 
Most of the OTS settings or the variations seem to have the 3rd voice as "Grand Piano" and is usually switched off.  When you switch the 3rd voice on it s almost deafening and does drown out the other voices.  I have noticed that the volume level on the 3rd voice is always 127 and the other voices are always 100 or less so I just move the slider down until the sound becomes acceptable.   I've also noticed that most of the time the 3rd voice is switched off---but that may just be me and the settings Ive chosen


My experience is, that for most styles, only one or two (R1+R2) voices are actually meant to be used at once. But when creator of the style saves these two voice settings into particular OTS, then all voices (incl. L and R3) are also saved -even they are disabled at the time of saving. That is, it cannot happen that there would be "no voice" in R3 -it can only be disabled. And if you see volume of 127 for certain voice, then this is usually a "indication" that this particular voice isn't meant to be used (it's just "there"). Of course, we can choose another voice (and settings) for R3 and re-save (all voices) into desired OTS.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Fred Smith

Quote from: dupakos on Jan 11, 2023, 06:28 AM
Every time the Rihgt 3 sound is selected (on), ONLY the right 3 sound is heard. Regardless of which other sounds are on. There is no mixing of the sounds. When the right 3 is closed (off), the other sounds are heard normally. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Do you have the same problem? Is this a general problem with sx700s or does it only happen to mine? Thanks

It's your split point that needs to be fixed.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Irene,
  Are you using registrations from a 950 or 975 This will show as you describe because these keyboards only had two right hand voices so the third defaults to piano.


Quote from: dupakos on Jan 11, 2023, 06:28 AM
Every time the Rihgt 3 sound is selected (on), ONLY the right 3 sound is heard. Regardless of which other sounds are on. There is no mixing of the sounds. When the right 3 is closed (off), the other sounds are heard normally. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Do you have the same problem? Is this a general problem with sx700s or does it only happen to mine? Thanks

Hi dupakos,

This is a well-known "problem", and as already mentioned, it's definitely up to your split point settings.

Please press "Direct Access > Sync Start" to enter Split Point settings. There you make sure that the RIGHT3 split point is set exactly one note higher than the LEFT Split Point. (Currently you have RIGHT3 set two or more notes higher than LEFT.)

Example (= the default Split Point setting):

With these settings you can play all three Right voices at the same time again. :)

Please note that the split points are always automatically memorized in Registrations (Style and Left split points with the STYLE check mark, Right3 split point with the VOICE check mark.) Registrations can therefore also (unintentionally) change the split points again if they have different split points included. If you always want to play with the same split point settings, you can lock them under "Menu > Utility > Parameter Lock". They can then only be changed manually directly in the Split Point settings display, i.e. no longer via Registrations.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


The styles OTS is sometimes set this way. The idea is that you may be using Right One and Two with Harmony Echo on to give some lush strings or orchestral sounds but then want to bring in a solo instrument quickly by just pushing the right three button you can do this.


Hi Eileen---thats very helpful.  My registrations that I brought forward were from a S975 and the 3rd voice is almost always Grand Piano.  That would explain it.  I'm not sure if its on everything but as its still very new I'm still plodding through and having to adjust all my own registrations---some of the style dont exist so I'm messing about finding new styles.   Thanks for that.   On reflection it probably is on my registrations as I have noticed  just a few times the Grand Piano isnt the 3rd voice so that may be when its NOT my registrations.
I probably should have shut up  :D :D but I have learnt something through opening my mouth  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 11, 2023, 10:35 AM
The styles OTS is sometimes set this way. The idea is that you may be using Right One and Two with Harmony Echo on to give some lush strings or orchestral sounds but then want to bring in a solo instrument quickly by just pushing the right three button you can do this.

Hi Eileen,

One Touch Settings (OTS) of Styles CANNOT change split points. However, if (for some reason) the R3 split point was already "wrongly set" BEFORE (i.e. higher than just a semitone above the Left split point), the OTS-related behavior you describe can occur.

If initially R3 part is still OFF, the R3 split point is also OFF, i.e. R1&2 parts sound normal (layered). If R3 part is then switched ON, the "wrongly set" R3 split point is re-activated, and the R1&2 parts now sound only in the keyboard range between Left and R3 split point (which may be only one or a few keys under certain circumstances). This makes it seem as if switching on R3 parts R1 & 2 are "muted".

By the way, if R1&2 are on and R3 is off, I just use three fingers to simultaneously press all three Part On/Off buttons (R1+R2+R3). This way, with "one movement" R3 is switched on and at the same time R1&2 are switched off. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi everyone and apologies to dupakos for giving out duff information. 
Following Eileens comments I have just checked my keyboard and the split points are exactly as described ( I did check these once before and they are the default settings) but I have checked several settings as per the playlist and there is often a 3rd voice included and it doesn't drown out the other 2 voices.  I looked at the voice thing at the bottom of the keyboard and most of the volume settings were all 100 so I think I have been mainly concentrating on my own registrations and had thought this was a problem.

I'm sorry dupakos for misleading info but it did work for me when I was sorting out my own "problem".

I'm going to go back into my shell now and keep quiet  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Thanks  everyone though,  as the info has been helpful to me too.

Fred Smith

Quote from: madirv on Jan 11, 2023, 01:32 PM
Hi everyone and apologies to dupakos for giving out duff information. 
Following Eileens comments I have just checked my keyboard and the split points are exactly as described ( I did check these once before and they are the default settings) but I have checked several settings as per the playlist and there is often a 3rd voice included and it doesn't drown out the other 2 voices.  I looked at the voice thing at the bottom of the keyboard and most of the volume settings were all 100 so I think I have been mainly concentrating on my own registrations and had thought this was a problem.

I'm sorry dupakos for misleading info but it did work for me when I was sorting out my own "problem".

I'm going to go back into my shell now and keep quiet  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Thanks  everyone though,  as the info has been helpful to me too.

No worries. We're happy to have you post when you have questions.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hello Irene,
  Please keep joining in as your reply's do help others who may have the same thing happening and not know what it is.