Deleting extra files in YEM while importing REX

Started by anandmaloo, Apr 08, 2018, 09:14 AM

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When I import a Rex drum loop in YEM, 6 files are created. 3 of it has to be deleted.
The drum voice file
The second Style file (normal)
The second Pad file (normal)

Is there a simpler way of selecting all these files at once and delete it. It's too much of a hassle to select each of them individually and delete. It can be a pain when 500-600 samples are in question.

Another question - why are these files created in first place if they have no utility. Or is there something which I am surely missing




Hi anand,
I believe that these files are created to make things a little easier, although I also think it would be interesting to have a configuration in YEM to determine which of these files will be generated so as not to have to delete those that are not necessary.
I find it very interesting to create a skeleton style with the loop slices in the right places, especially for those more complex drum grooves that would be difficult to sequence manually, as well as a multipad skeleton, although I almost always don't need the latter.

keyboardist, arranger, composer and music producer

"Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, with sensitivity and intuition, never by rigid rules."