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yamaha psr s 500 - usr file

Started by Andjelko90, Dec 19, 2022, 01:06 PM

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I have a yamaha psr s 500, a colleague sent me usr files with saved bank registrations from a yamaha psr s550,

is there a way to convert files because psr s 500 can't read usr from psr s 550 ?

sorry if i got the topic wrong


Welcome to the Psrtutorial Forum, Andjelko90!

In principle, user files from newer models cannot be read by older models. This also applies to larger models, where Registration Banks can be saved as individual files (.rgt).

I'm not aware of any conversion program that can be used to convert an S550 .usr file to the S500 format. The only option would probably be to examine files from both models with a hex editor to find out the differences in the file header. With .rgt Registration Bank files, for example, it is possible in this way to modify files from newer models by a small change in the file header so that they can be read by a certain older model.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I think that both keyboards have identical voices, only the psr s550 is more affordable and has more memory. Do you know any software that could read the values of the different effects from the usr file and which voices are used so that I can mix the voices manually?


Quote from: Andjelko90 on Dec 19, 2022, 04:19 PM
I think that both keyboards have identical voices, only the psr s550 is more affordable and has more memory. Do you know any software that could read the values of the different effects from the usr file and which voices are used so that I can mix the voices manually?

Hi Andjelko90,

The .usr files of the S500 and S550 are probably structured similarly to the .usr files of the S650. You can open them with a normal text editor (e.g. Windows "Editor" / "Notepad") or, as already mentioned, with a Hex editor (= an editor for displaying binary files as hexadecimal bytes and also as normal text) to see the Styles used in the registrations contained as plain text. However, you will see the saved settings only as cryptic characters. Please also see the attached screenshots of an S650 .usr file opened in Windows Editor and "Next-Soft Hex-Editor MX".

In addition, I am not aware of any program that can be used to read the detailed settings stored in PSR-S .usr files.

Best regards,

[attachment unavailable]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)