Style Request: "Slip Slidin' Away" by Paul Simon

Started by porterma, Dec 07, 2022, 07:32 PM

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I am wondering if anyone has tried  the song "Slip Slidin Away" by Paul Simon and what style you used to play the song.
It is not too complicated a song, but the verses do have some long pauses in them.
The chorus is a very catchy tune.
If you have a suggestion for me to try on my Genos keyboard I would really appreciate the help.




Here's the style I use when I play that fun tune on my DGX-650  (it's an SFF1 style)

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It's called 063 country swing.

FWIW - the last time I recorded it was in July and it came out like this:

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Roger Brenizer

I've attached a style for you to try, Mark. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hi Larry and Roger,
Thank you both so much for sending me these styles.
Larry, the song you posted along with the style sounds like it will work out fine.
Roger, I will give your style a try this afternoon.
Thank you both for all your help.
It is really appreciated.
