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Genos Voice Effects vs Cubase

Started by Michael Trigoboff, Dec 07, 2022, 01:41 AM

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Michael Trigoboff

I ran into an odd phenomenon today. I hit the VOICE button and turned off the effect for a voice using the button on the touchscreen. Then I tried to turn the effects back on and I couldn't; tapped the button and nothing happened!

This was with Cubase running, connected to the Genos via USB.

I quit Cubase and tried this again; I was able to repeatedly turn the effect on and off. So it seems that Cubase somehow disables turning an effect on once it's been turned off.

Does anyone have an idea what might be going on here? I'm totally stumped.

Cubase 12 Pro; Windows 10, Surface Tablet i5.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Hi Michael,

Could it be that the "MIDI Soft Thru" function is activated in Cubase (so that the data received via the MIDI input is again transmitted directly via MIDI Out to the Genos), but the Genos is not switched to "Local Control Off " in the MIDI Settings? Then the Genos' sound generation would receive each MIDI command twice and problems can occur.

I recommend that you either deactivate "MIDI Soft Thru" in the DAW or to switch the Genos to "Local Control Off.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Michael Trigoboff

Quote from: ChrisCould it be that the "MIDI Soft Thru" function is activated in Cubase (so that the data received via the MIDI input is again transmitted directly via MIDI Out to the Genos), but the Genos is not switched to "Local Control Off " in the MIDI Settings? Then the Genos' sound generation would receive each MIDI command twice and problems can occur.

I recommend that you either deactivate "MIDI Soft Thru" in the DAW or to switch the Genos to "Local Control Off.

Thanks, Chris.

I just tried it with exactly the same setup today. The problem is not reoccurring. I will have to try further experimentation and I will keep your advice in mind.

There is no "MIDI Soft Thru" setting that I can find in Cubase 12 Pro. I only have one MIDI track that's active in my project, so I was able to simulate what you suggested by turning off the input to that track. But, like I said, the problem did not recur no matter what I tried. I guess the poltergeists and gremlins had other more pressing business today than messing with me.  :D
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Quote from: Michael Trigoboff on Dec 07, 2022, 09:31 PM
Thanks, Chris.

I just tried it with exactly the same setup today. The problem is not reoccurring. I will have to try further experimentation and I will keep your advice in mind.

There is no "MIDI Soft Thru" setting that I can find in Cubase 12 Pro. I only have one MIDI track that's active in my project, so I was able to simulate what you suggested by turning off the input to that track. But, like I said, the problem did not recur no matter what I tried. I guess the poltergeists and gremlins had other more pressing business today than messing with me.  :D

Thanks for your feedback Michael!

In Cubase Pro 12, the MIDI "Soft Thru" function I mentioned is called "MIDI Thru Active" (found in "Edit > Preferences > MIDI", see also the attached screenshot). If this checkbox is ticked, incoming MIDI signals will be forwarded to the configured MIDI OUTs (and thus fed back into the relevant MIDI IN on the Genos). The point is that this way you can hear the Genos sound generation when playing the Genos keyboard to record MIDI data into Cubase, even though the Genos is switched to "Local Control OFF" (which means that the Genos' keyboard is internally DISCONNECTED from the Genos' MIDI tone generator).

If you do NOT switch the Genos to "Local Control OFF" in the Genos' MIDI settings, every MIDI command would, as I said, get TWICE to the Genos' internal MIDI  tone generator (once directly Genos-internally and a second time via Cubase back to the Genos). To prevent this from happening, in the latter case, the tick in Cubase must be removed from the "MIDI Thru active" check box.

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Michael Trigoboff

By the way, the problem I ran into initially has not recurred.

I have noticed a number of times with my Cubase/Focusrite/Genos rig that sometimes restarting the whole ensemble makes a problem go away. This does not please me, since it implies that gremlins are loose in the system, but there it is...   :-\
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Best just to make a midi song on Genos and correct it in Cubase
Turn to wave and mix and master.
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Toril S

Gremlins are loose in every data based system made by humans😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Michael Trigoboff

I know. I am a retired software developer. I have been hitting my head against that wall my whole life.
Genos2, Roli Rise 25, Focusrite 4th gen 16i16 and 3rd gen 8i6
Cubase Pro 14, Cubasis 3, SpectraLayers 11

retired software developer and Computer Science instructor
Grateful Deadhead emeritus

"He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt."
-- Joseph Heller, Catch-22