New Idea for Megavoices.

Started by Keyboard Master, Dec 01, 2022, 04:33 PM

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Keyboard Master

Hi everyone I thoght of a new megavoice type for genos and psr sx. it will be an Organ type. for example Different parts od organ samples assigned to differesnt Velocity Ranges. Example (121-127 All Bars Out). (111-120 All Bars In). (101-110 Half Bars). (91-100 Hammer Organ) (81-90 Organ mute) (61-80 Dead Organ) (41-60 Organ Vibrato) (1-40 Rock Organ) These are 8 velocity ranges that can include different Organ Parts (Samples). This is my example of 8 Organ setups in a Megavoice Format, And im sure If yamaha creates this type of megavoices it can spice up styles that use Organ sounds.  8) and above C6 will be organ sound effects like hitting the keys. And another one can be OrganFLutes In a Megavoice Format. for example 10 preset organ flutes will be arranged into 10 different velocities.
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Keyboard Master

I just Feel this is a great Idea. As it will make a huge improvement to styles.  ;)


Not to be a wet blanket, but you're aware that organs don't traditionally have velocity, hence the expression pedal?

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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Dec 11, 2022, 06:44 PM
Not to be a wet blanket, but you're aware that organs don't traditionally have velocity, hence the expression pedal?

Remember though that MegaVoices are designed to be used in a programmed style, where the velocity is used to select a sample rather than to make the actual sound louder.

In any case, although it's an interesting idea, I'm not sure though that too many styles actually call for such a range of different organ voices.


I'm sure Yamaha will put this on their 'to do list' - right after they finish working on KeyMasters last idea for the 120 note Atomic Keyboard.   :D

Keyboard Master

Quote from: mikf on Dec 12, 2022, 12:12 PM
I'm sure Yamaha will put this on their 'to do list' - right after they finish working on KeyMasters last idea for the 120 note Atomic Keyboard.   :D
I agree with that one. And one quick question mikef im just curious is My Atomic keyboard in development stages yet i was curious about updates for it. And if so when will it hit the market. also if you get a picture of it i would like to see the real picture of the actual Atomic keyboard.


I would not hold out too much hope for your Atomic Keyboard seeing the light of day, Keyboard Master.

But there's nothing wrong with coming up with ideas. Out of every 20 rotten ideas, there may be one that sparks something special. If nobody has new ideas, and puts them out there, nothing changes.

Keyboard Master

Agreed 👍 and like said I just feel it be released when the time is right.

Keyboard Master

Quote from: DerekA on Dec 14, 2022, 05:00 AM
I would not hold out too much hope for your Atomic Keyboard seeing the light of day, Keyboard Master.

But there's nothing wrong with coming up with ideas. Out of every 20 rotten ideas, there may be one that sparks something special. If nobody has new ideas, and puts them out there, nothing changes.
I also feel that they are making it but dont want to realease it yet at least test it out first. Now if anyone has the Voice List i would like to get a sneak peak of the voices listed.

Keyboard Master

It is also possible imo that they can at least program itthe way where still all the waveforms of each organ voice is assigned to specific velocities for example 120-127 will be all bars out while 100-110 is even bars. that;s just my thought.


Quote from: Keyboard Master on Mar 17, 2025, 09:21 PM.. each organ voice is assigned to specific velocities for example 120-127 will be all bars out while 100-110 is even bars. that;s just my thought.
In my opinion, such a voice would be useless for actual playing -that is, it would be impossible to play such voice.
Let's say you would wish to play organ even bars.. in this case you would need to play the melody by hitting keys only with velocities between 100-110. That's very narrow gap and I'm quite sure that nobody can manage that -that is, many keys (notes) will be hit below or above that velocity range.

Just thinking aloud here,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


I think it was already said that this idea is really only practical for use in styles, where the velocity can be carefully programmed.

If you really want to do it - create a custom voice in YEM with different organ samples assigned to different velocity ranges.

Keyboard Master

Quote from: BogdanH on Mar 18, 2025, 04:08 AM
Quote from: Keyboard Master on Mar 17, 2025, 09:21 PM.. each organ voice is assigned to specific velocities for example 120-127 will be all bars out while 100-110 is even bars. that;s just my thought.
In my opinion, such a voice would be useless for actual playing -that is, it would be impossible to play such voice.
Let's say you would wish to play organ even bars.. in this case you would need to play the melody by hitting keys only with velocities between 100-110. That's very narrow gap and I'm quite sure that nobody can manage that -that is, many keys (notes) will be hit below or above that velocity range.

Just thinking aloud here,

as Derek mentioned the idea is it's designed for style and midi use. The style is programmed to play the notes and the specific velocities. Of course I can create an organ Megavoice in YEM as well.