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Started by, Nov 30, 2022, 03:24 AM

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Hello everyone ..
Question regarding Chordtracker and Mobile sheets ..

I have an SX900 and I use Chordtracker to find the chords of a song then copy and paste them into chord looper then into registration banks ..
like this

Chordtracker I find to be very good at finding the nice rich chords (like Cadd9 Dm7(b5) with the bass notes etc)

What I'd like to do is copy these chords into a text or pdf file somehow I can open the file in Mobilesheets..
I know I could copy them all by hand ..but that would be a lotta work ..

I've thought about opening the chord looper banks in some program on my PC but don't know of one that would do that easily .. (mixmaster doesn't seem simple)

any suggestions...thanks