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Back On The Scene Again (Halesowen UK)

Started by Halesowen Kid, Dec 24, 2022, 03:27 PM

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Halesowen Kid

Hello All,

Following a serious health issue resulting in a break of a few years away from this forum and tinkling the keys, I've decided to return and enjoy again what I've missed out on.

I have a problem and I could do with some advice please. I had a Tyros4 which I sold at the beginning of my troubles so naturally I need a set of keys. The Tyros4 was a superb machine, but now I need a high quality keyboard but SMALLER in size that has similar features to the T4 that will hopefully play the many styles, midis and registrations I have on a USB sticks.

If you can recommend to me please one of todays 61 key models or a model that has been discontinued I'd be most grateful.

Thanking you in advance and a Merry Christmas to you all.



Welcome back Mike
If I was in your shoes I would opt for the SX900

Roger Brenizer

Hi Mike,

Welcome back to the forum and thank you for being a supporter. I hope and pray that you have fully recovered from your health issue. I'm certain that you know most everything in this message, so much of this won't be applicable to you; however, since you've been absent for a while, I will refresh your memory.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there. The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:

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You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend, Peter (XeeniX) and maintained by another good friend, Runner4Fun, which presently contains 108,813 song titles in 2,833 indexed books. This index is updated often.

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Toril S

Very glad to have you back Mike!! I would go for the SX900 as Del said.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hello Mike

All of the following keyboards will play your T4 styles and midi files. The registrations ought to work if the registrations are looking for the styles on your USB stick.

From oldest to newest:  S950 (2012), S970 (2015), S975 (2018), SX900 (2019)

Check Ebay for the older keyboards to maybe find a bargain.

I still use the S950 and have not had any issues with the keyboard and I gig several time a month with it. As well as using it daily to create brand new custom song styles.



Hi Mike,
Good to hear you will replace the T4. As you know I love the SX900, and unlike other keyboards I have yet to find anything annoying!
Please email if I can help.
Best wishes,




Whichever keyboard you choose it's nice that you have put your health issues behind you and welcome back.


Hi Mike,

I went from a T4 to SX900 because I wanted something that was a little more compact.  I was worried that I might miss out, losing some of the registrations and quality of sounds, but I can assure you that I lost nothing other that bass response which was quickly remedied by purchasing the KS-SW100 sub woofer.

Not only can I use my vast collection of T4 and T5 registrations/styles, but as a bonus, my dealer threw in a whole load of scores with registrations which he loaded for me on to my Songbook+ software on my iPad free of charge!

The best musical move I've ever made!

Have a good musical New Year,



Hi Mike I would also recommend the SX900. All your Tyros 4 stuff will pay in it and sound really good.


Hi. I have a Genos as my primary keyboard but I also have a second home 200 miles away near my daughters and there I have an SX700 which is quite a bit cheaper than the SX900 so if price is important, worth taking a look at. What I can say is that the SX700 has many of the features of the Genos but at a quarter of the price and that it accepts my previous T4 registrations and styles in the majority of cases. I would highly recommend it. Perhaps a visit to a dealer to compare both the SX900 and SX700 or others models would be a good idea. Or even YouTube demos....the SX700 certainly continues to surprise me each time I give the keys a tickle.
Now have a CVP 809 as my wife plays Piano but not Keyboard - I had to PX a Genos to buy it, Also have an SX700 - I did previously own a Tyros.


Welcome back to the PSR Tutorial Forums, Mike!

The SX900 is a good instrument. Please note, however, that PSR models do not have S.Articulation2 voices (Tyros4 has 15 of them) and that the FSB keybed of SX models is not quite as good as the high quality Genos/Tyros5 FSX keybed.

All the best from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

