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Hidden Voices Location with (-------) ?

Started by brucerez, Nov 20, 2022, 02:32 PM

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I recently tried some styles from Yamaha PSR-SX900 Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login on my keyboard which is not SX-900.
Every style I tried (not all of them), plays back fine, no problem.

My question is about the location of some right hand voices that appear with -------- (see screen shot).
I guess these voices belong to SX-900 and do not exist on my keyboard which I understand.
Since I hear them through my keyboard, where these voices (with --------) are located in the keyboard?

Thank you

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Did you try browsing the "Legacy Voices" section?
Maybe the voices in question are there...



When you load a superior model style on lower model, Yamaha try to find something similar to put instead of the missing voice.
For example if it is a piano voice with ----- and you have sound, you can go to Piano category and if you try few probably you will find the replacement.
Sometimes is worst and ------ it is with NO sound.

Best regards!
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10



You can try this with MixMaster:

Select the SX900 as the instrument.
Load style into MixMaster.
View SX900 sounds assigned to channels in 'Voices View'.
(If there are no sound names but only an MSB.LSB.PC it means that it is a user sound or from an expansion pack)
You can now search for a matching sound on the Genos, even if the voice with dashes produces no sound.

If it can help you.

