Left hand voices on PSR SX900 using Midi controller

Started by chadsolo, Nov 12, 2022, 07:17 PM

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I am using my weighted piano connected to the PSR SX900 via midi as I prefer to play the piano. All is well and good , chords recognised etc but for some reason the Left hand voice is not driveable from the Piano , only via playing on the PSR SX900. . I followed what seemed to be the simplest method to connect the Midi which was Por1Ch1 set to keyboard in the midi settings on the PSR SX900 but obviously I am overlooking some midi instruction to get the Left hand voice coming through along with everything else. Any advice would be appreciated.. Thanks


Maybe left is on a different channel?  I think right1 = ch1, right2 = ch2, right 3 = ch3, left = ch 4.



I think you will need to use a split voice to achieve this. Other members with more knowledge might help. Also did you check which channel is active in the "Receive" page of midi setup? I use split voices from Organaut UK.


Quote from: chadsolo on Nov 12, 2022, 07:17 PM
I am using my weighted piano connected to the PSR SX900 via midi as I prefer to play the piano. All is well and good , chords recognised etc but for some reason the Left hand voice is not driveable from the Piano , only via playing on the PSR SX900. . I followed what seemed to be the simplest method to connect the Midi which was Por1Ch1 set to keyboard in the midi settings on the PSR SX900 but obviously I am overlooking some midi instruction to get the Left hand voice coming through along with everything else. Any advice would be appreciated.. Thanks

Hi chadsolo,

Via the MIDI channel, which is set to the "Keyboard" part in the MIDI settings, you can play the SX900 with an external MIDI keyboard in exactly the same way as with the internal keyboard. In order to play the LEFT Voice, this part must of course also be switched ON via the relevant PART ON/OFF button. Then it should actually work.

I also recommend checking the Split Point settings. (By default, both the STYLE and LEFT split points are on note F#2, the RIGHT 3 split point is on G3).

By the way, if ACMP is on, Style is stopped and Style and Left Split points are set identically, you cannot hear the LEFT Voice even if it is turned on via the PART ON/OFF button. (Either the Style/Left section is completely silent or you hear a bass and a pad sound, depending on the "Stop ACMP" setting in the Style Settings.) Workaround: Either turn off ACMP or set the Left Split point to a higher note, so that the Left part can be played between the Style and the Right area of the keyboard.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for the replies everyone, I just discovered the LH voice missing with the ACMP on moments before I read Chris's post I was using "Fingered" mode in the Split point setting.! I set "Full Keyboard" on the Split point setting and with a Left hand voice chosen (PART ON) I could hear the LH voice with the Style playing and ACMP on. I left the Style and Left split point settings the same note.   