Style request - Style suggestion

Started by Krebschen0, Nov 24, 2022, 02:39 AM

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Hello everyone,

does anyone have an idea for the song "Tanz mit mir" by Faun?
Or a shanty march style? It should be suitable for a DGX 620 (max 29 KB I do not manage to load larger style files on the DGX). Or is there a possibility to copy only a part of another style, so that the style becomes smaller?

Thanks in advance
DGX 620  PSR SX 900

Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be quiet about.
Victor Hugo

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 4 styles for you to try, Krebschen0. :)

Only one of these styles is less than 29 KB.

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I've attached an additional 5 styles, all of which are less than 29 KB and includes the small file contained in the above link. :)

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Edit: Attached additional link as referenced above.
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Hi Roger,
many thanks for the styles, they sounds very good on my SX 900 and also fit the song well, unfortunately 3 of them are too big for the old DGX. I guess it will be just difficult to find something for such an old instrument. Maybe someone in the forum has an idea how I could copy a part out of a style. The song needs no ending and no intro. That should make the file smaller or not?

DGX 620  PSR SX 900

Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be quiet about.
Victor Hugo


Try using the 6/8 March style - I use it for a lot of Irish songs, including the Irish Washerwoman.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: Krebschen0 on Nov 24, 2022, 07:07 AM
Hi Roger,
many thanks for the styles, they sounds very good on my SX 900 and also fit the song well, unfortunately 3 of them are too big for the old DGX. I guess it will be just difficult to find something for such an old instrument. Maybe someone in the forum has an idea how I could copy a part out of a style. The song needs no ending and no intro. That should make the file smaller or not?

I knew 3 of the styles were a little larger than your specified 29 KB maximum file size, but I sent them just in case you might get them to work on your old DGX.  I have more styles for that song, so if I find additional styles 29 KB or less, I will post a new link for you. :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Roger Brenizer

I've attached some additional styles for you, in my first post above, Krebschen0. :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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If you like a style that is just too large, you can use software of Jorgen to remove OTS and certain intro/main/ending parts (keep only the part that you really want, you can also make 2 separate files, each with different main parts and then use registrations to switch between the 2 styles).

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SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Hello all,
@Gary unfortunately the march does not work at all, maybe I used the wrong one - (internal DGX 620 Style 109?).
@Roger one of the styles runs on the DGX and sounds good too, I will probably use that one.
But I will also try once with the software to downsize a style.

Many thanks to all, for your efforts and your support.
DGX 620  PSR SX 900

Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be quiet about.
Victor Hugo