How does Chords presented on Keyboard Screen

Started by JAKIV, Sep 26, 2022, 06:37 AM

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When I have edited a MIDI file with e.g. XGworks, where I have inserted Chords, I am often surprised by how the chords are presented on my Yamaha PSR-SX700 screen.
Therefore, it is often a lot of back and forth from PC to Keyboard to get the right presentation.
Is there a Windows program that accurately reproduces how it will look when the midi file is played on the Keyboard?



You can use "PSRUTI" for this:
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If a MIDI file does not yet contain any XF chords, you can use the "Compute Chords" function to calculate them.

In the Lyrics Editor ("Editor" button) you can manually insert or edit lyrics and/or XF chords.

In the Player ("Player" button) you can play the loaded file to check lyrics and chords.

See also the attached screenshots from PSRUTI.

Note: It is ideal if the keyboard is connected to the PC via USB-MIDI (so that the MIDI file is played back via the keyboard). "In an emergency" you can also edit lyrics/chords during playback via the PC sound card. Here I use the "CoolSoft MIDISynth" in connection with a MIDI soundfont like TimbresOfHeaven. However, it should be noted that playback will be slightly delayed when using software synths (and of course you won't have the same sound as using the keyboard).

Best regards,

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