Genos + MS Surface Pro + Mobile Sheets?

Started by Dave Nuttall, Oct 13, 2022, 04:17 PM

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Dave Nuttall

I have a Microsoft Surface Pro w/Mobile Sheets that I use on an acoustic piano.

In other keyboard forums (here), it seems people are using ChromeBooks, etc. (other than Apple) and with USB are able to manipulate the Mobile Sheets.

Please post or pm me if you have a Windows+Mobile Sheets configuration with Genos.

Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.



I happen to have the SX-900 instead of the Genos, but the operation and setup is the same.
Using Win 10 Pro on a home built tower PC with Mobile Sheets latest version 3.60 which was just updated today.
I've been using MS for several months now, communicates solidly with the keyboard, either via USB or MIDI connectors.

Do you have a specific question about how the keyboard and M.S. interact with each other?
It acts as a 2 way street, you link your sheet to a registration, the sheet can then choose the registration, or the registration can pull up the sheet.

Regards, Jerry
"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."Martin Buber


Hi Jerry, I have been using MobileSheets for quite some time now and I am very very satisfied with that App. The only thing I haven't delved into yet is to make the link between my SX900 and my PC (windows PC) through eg midi? That might also be interesting for the TS.? Can you give me a recommendation where there is a good tutorial for this? Thanks in advance..
My best regards,


I don't know about any tutorial that I could link to, but I can describe how to setup the MIDI connection.

First, connect the Keyboard to your PC  -- you can use the USB-Host connector, or in my case, I use the MIDI connectors.
If you use the MIDI connectors, you'll need an adapter, I use the Roland UM-1 to USB adapter.

Now go into MobileSheets Settings > MIDI settings page.  There are 2 settings you need here:
MIDI Device Type  >   (Genos, PSR-SX600/700/900)    and
Select  MIDI Devices   >   check the box for the Input Device, and Output device

I left all the other MIDI settings on their defaults, and it works very reliably.

To use with a keyboard registration, select the registration on the keyboard.
In MobileSheets, select the Song page that you want to link to, and click on the page so that you can edit it.
Click the tool that looks like a Pencil at the top of the page, and you can get to the MIDI settings for this Song.
You should now see a chain link icon on the right side  ---- simply click on it once, and the MIDI commands are automatically linked for you.
Notice that there are 2 commands,  one to [Send on Load]  and one to [Load on Receive]

The Song and the Registration are now linked in both directions.   Hope this helps you get going!
"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."Martin Buber


Hi Dave,

The control commands for the Registrations are transmitted via SysEx for Genos and PSR-SX models. It is therefore important that a suitable MIDI template is selected on the keyboard (Menu > MIDI) in which the SysEx Receive (RX) and Transmit (TX) are activated. This is the case, for example, with the Preset MIDI Templates "All Parts" and "KBD & Style".

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Yes, thanks for the additional info, that is correct. On the SX900 I do have mine set to "All Parts", which is the default.

The MobileSheets program automatically generates the 2 MIDI commands when linking to a Song, and yes, they are both using SysEx commands.
They made it as easy as possible to get things up and running!

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."Martin Buber


I think that the makers of Mobilesheets are working on a version for Apples iOS. It been mentioned several time in various groups, but I believe it needs a almost total rewrite. Mobilesheets on an iPad would defiantly be something special.

Dave Nuttall

THANKS to all who replied.
It is very helpful.
Genos1, ProTools, Cubase AI10, Win10,  BIAB-2025, Sibelius Ultimate, MixMaster, PRSUTI, StyleMagic, StyleWorks, and Baldwin SF-10 acoustic piano.