Started by sarathnmusic, Sep 27, 2022, 01:33 AM

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Dear Gentleman,

Requesting help for 3 styles.

1. I want to know what is love - FOREIGNER
2. Lovely day  -  Bill Withers
3. I keep forgetting - Michael McDonald   (16 Beat Groove )

Thank you and regards,



Here is what I found:

I Want To Know What Love Is:
80sPowerBallad (Genos V2 SuperiorPack)

Lovely day:
Classic16Beat (R&B)

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Hi Sarath,

For the first and second searched song you can find Playlist records / registrations (which use the styles already mentioned by Stijn) in the following Genos Playlists:

- I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner: Bonus Playlist for Genos V2.0 Superior Pack
- Lovely Day - Bill Withers: Bonus Playlist for Genos  > "R&B" folder

If you don't have these Playlists or the Genos Superior Pack yet, you can download them here:
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For the third song "I Keep Forgettin' - Michael McDonald" there is a Playlist record / registration in the DGX-670 and CVP-809 Bonus Playlist. These registrations use the "80s American Pop" style. This style is not a Genos preset style and is not included in the Genos Superior Pack. But you can download the mentioned style (CVP-809 version, should also work on Genos) here from my Dropbox:
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you Stijan and Thank you Chris for your kind reply and for the information regarding the Styles.

Appreciate gentleman for being helpful in this forum.

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 4 styles for you to try, Sarath. :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Dear Roger,

Thank you for your kind support in sharing the 4 styles.

Appreciate Man :) Please keep in touch.