Style request - You´ll be in my heart

Started by Krebschen0, Sep 21, 2022, 01:19 PM

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I am looking for a style for the song  You'll Be In My Heart  by Phil Collins

Thanks in advance    :-*

DGX 620  PSR SX 900

Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be quiet about.
Victor Hugo

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 3 styles for you to try, Krebschen0.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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DGX 620  PSR SX 900

Music expresses what cannot be said and what is impossible to be quiet about.
Victor Hugo


Thanks Roger,

One of my favs that usually use a regaton style so am excited to give these a try.

great song

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes