PSR-SX900 Factory Styles

Started by AmirInTexas, Aug 26, 2022, 07:12 PM

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Hi all,
Is there anyway I can download the entire PSR SX900 factory styles?  I bought the PSR-A5000 under impression that it was PSR X900 but with additional oriental styles and that was my bad.  Since the PSR x900 styles work in A5000 and there are few styles that I like, I was wondering if they were available to download to add to my A5000.



Go to the home page of this on on Yamaha..... then click on PSR-SX900

They are all there.....


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Roger Brenizer

Quote from: RONBO on Aug 26, 2022, 08:34 PM

Go to the home page of this on on Yamaha..... then click on PSR-SX900

They are all there.....



Here's the direct link, Amir.  :)
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Hi AmirInTexas,

Another note on downloading the styles: Click on the desired category (e.g. BALLROOM) to download the styles in this category as a zip file.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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Keep in mind, that since the PSRA5000 is actually based on a PSRsx600, not the sx900, there will likely be a lot of voices you'll need to tweak for them to sound good on the PSRA5000. But as I've stated before, don't get a PSRA5000 thinking it's based on an sx900... after all, why would one based on an sx900, with additional Revo kits, Oud, Watariat, etc, then cost less than an sx900?

And as such, the PSRA5000 will play all the styles from the sx600/DGX670 just fine.


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Aug 27, 2022, 05:33 PM
...the PSRA5000 is actually based on a PSRsx600, not the sx900...
... But as I've stated before, don't get a PSRA5000 thinking it's based on an sx900...


Hi Mark,

Could you please explain what is the difference between (generally) the OS of PSR-A5000 and PSR-SX900?
I am aware that they don't share exactly the same voices, DR kit and Effects but simply speaking, what PSR-SX900 can do that PSR-A5000 can not?

Thank you


Functionally, there's very little difference; it is all in the voices, and the A5000 doesn't have a vocoder/vocal harmony. In fact, since they both have 1Gb sample ram, but the A5000 doesn't come with any pre-installed, you technically have more space to work with (unless you're willing to remove the pre-installed Latin, Oriental, Europe packs. The African pack takes up very little space)

And as the A5000 has revo drums, while the sx700 doesn't, technically you don't need to run all future revo styles through the revo cleaner (out of the standard Revo compatible kits on the sx900, the A5000 has the Pop Drum kit, which means you *could* replace all the Revo drums on new styles with that one and they should still work)

But being based on the sx600 chip, there are no sampled solo strings (violin, cello), and no ensemble string samples that are lower than cello (no contrabass, like what's included in real strings or Kino Strings), no sampled Ooh/Aah choirs (like the sx700/s970/sx900) have.

Actually, functionally the A5000 does more (you can create and edit styles with multiple time signatures, and change scale tuning on the fly without using a registration) so if you don't care about strings & choirs, nor VH, really need incredibly detailed Oud and Kanoon and Middle Eastern drums (not available in YEM packs), then yeah I would recommend the A5000.

Note that while the A5000 does start with more of a blank slate, I guarantee that if you want the Middle Eastern sound of the A5000, you're going to want to install the Middle Eastern Oriental pack (at least) to make up for the very weak Super Articulated Watariat strings built in; ironically the old PSRA2000/A3000 Watariats sounded much thicker (and luckily are available as downloads)


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Mark Wilburn


Quote from: Amwilburn on Aug 28, 2022, 05:03 PM
... no sampled Ooh/Aah choirs (like the sx700/s970/sx900) have.

... I guarantee that if you want the Middle Eastern sound of the A5000, you're going to want to install the Middle Eastern Oriental pack (at least) to make up for the very weak Super Articulated Watariat strings built in;....


Thank you Mark for the detailed explanation.
Regarding the voices do you know where can I download some Choir voices that are compatible with A5000?
And can you provide a link for the Middle Eastern Oriental pack that you mentioned?



On this page, if you look at the bottom 2 rows:

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the right hand, bottom file is SX900 World (I guess they renamed it) is the preinstalled pack from the sx700/sx900, and the one above it (World GCC/MIddle East/Iran) is the thick and heavy watariat voices from the PSRA2000/A3000.

You're not going to want to install both completely, there is a *lot* of overlap. Basically, select both and then start removing duplicate voice names.

Choir voices, there are some freely available from CMS. Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, then select freeware


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Mark Wilburn