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Changing default settings of assignable foot pedals

Started by chesterkins, Aug 30, 2022, 02:19 PM

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I use three  pedals   One I use for art2 voices  another for self fill and the last to use intro 2 BUT
every time I switch the genos on the assignments have changed to different settings
Can you set and change settings and make them default???

Fred Smith

Quote from: chesterkins on Aug 30, 2022, 02:19 PM
I use three  pedals   One I use for art2 voices  another for self fill and the last to use intro 2 BUT
every time I switch the genos on the assignments have changed to different settings
Can you set and change settings and make them default???

On a Genos, pedal assignments are remembered through a power cycle. This is one of the improvements over Tyros and PSRs.

You must have a registration which is changing the assignment. You need to fix it.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi chesterkins,

It is important that you CLOSE the Assignable display (press the X symbol or the Exit button) after making the pedal settings. This saves the changed pedal settings in the System Setup and makes them available again after the Genos is restarted.

Note: The pedal settings can be changed again at any time by Registrations (in which different pedal settings are memorized). Therefore, you should create at least one Setup Registration (also called Startup Registration) in which your preferred pedal settings are memorized (and, if desired, other important settings such as fingering, split points, etc.). You load this Setup Registration immediately after starting the Genos in order to call up your preferred settings.

It is important that in the "Memory" dialog (which appears after pressing the memory button) the "Pedal" box is ticked. To memorize fingering, Style and Left split points, the "Style" box must be ticked. For the Right3 split point, the "Voice" box must be ticked. I also recommend ALWAYS leaving the "Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio" box ticked so that the current state of this function can be restored by the relevant Registration.

If you always play the same pedal settings (or just a few different ones), the easiest way is to work with one or more Setup Registrations that allow you to set/switch the desired pedal settings. You should then make sure that NO pedal settings are saved in the normal "Playing Registrations". If you are not 100 percent sure about this, you can use the Freeze function:

Press "Direct Access" and then the Freeze button, make sure only the "Pedal" box is ticked. Then press the Exit button to save the settings you have made and close the Freeze display. If you later switch on the Freeze button (LED lights up), this ensures that the current pedal settings can no longer be changed by Registrations.

If you play with different pedal settings, you can of course also memorize the required pedal settings in each Registration. But keep in mind that later changes can be very time-consuming, since you then have to touch (edit) each individual Registration. On the other hand, if (as mentioned above) you work with Setup Registrations to adjust the pedals (and all other Registrations do NOT contain pedal settings, or you use the Freeze function), you can later make global changes to your preferred pedal settings very quickly.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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