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Voice range

Started by Ken Stenzel, Aug 23, 2022, 06:39 AM

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Ken Stenzel

When I am setting up a new style sometimes the bass part doesn't go low enough upon playing it and the notes go to an upper octave. How do I set the low limit so this does not happen. Can't seem to find it in the manual.
   Thank you.
Kenneth Stenzel

Ken Stenzel

Can no one help?  How do I set parameters for High and Low note limit for a bass pattern when creating a style?
Kenneth Stenzel

Joe H

Buy a copy of StyleMagic... it can be done in the CASM Editor.  You can do MAJOR editing of styles in the program.  There is a demo version that is fully functional except for SAVE that you can try before you buy. Click on "Downloads" to find the demo program.

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Joe H

Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Ken --

Assuming you want to do this on the Genos itself. Style meta-info like note range is set using "SFF Edit", Genos Reference Manual, page 27. High Key and Note Limit are described on page 30.

I usually create styles using a DAW (Sonar or Cubase) then add CASM information using Jørgen Sørensen's CASM editor: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login 

Hope this info helps -- pj