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Camelot Pro and Genos

Started by Drsun19, Aug 13, 2022, 03:46 PM

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Hello! I've got a question.

Is it possible to connect Genos to Camelot Pro (Ipad) so i can select my pdfs with registrations just as Songbook+ does?

If that is possible It'd be superb. Camelot Pro has a discount this season.



Hi Drsun19,

When you press a Registration button on the Genos, a unique SysEx string is sent via MIDI / USB-MIDI. You should be able to record this SysEx message with Camelot's MIDI Learn function and link it to the corresponding scene/song (to which the relevant PDF file is linked). When loading the registration on the Genos, the relevant scene/song should be loaded in Camelot Pro and the linked PDF should be displayed. Conversely, when you select a specific scene/song in Camelot Pro, the relevant registration should be loaded automatically on the Genos.

By the way, in the iOS app "Songbook+" there is a special link function, with which a "song" can be linked to the currently loaded registration on the Genos with one click, and this link then works automatically in both directions. In principle, however, this can be achieved with any suitable app that has a MIDI learn function (that supports SysEx) and in which the recorded SysEx message can be linked to a "song" (for MIDI transmit and/or receive, such as described above for Camelot Pro).

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Al Ram

There seems to be a free version of Camelot . . . . you might want to try that first and test what you want to do . . . . . . . . .

I have Songbook+ and can do what you described in a very easy way . . . . .

Greetings . . . . .
San Diego/Tijuana