YEM question

Started by tommac, Aug 23, 2022, 04:37 AM

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Does anyone know if "Install Target" is machine or model specific ? I have a load of packs loaded from a previously owned Genos and wish to load them onto new Genos--Can i just save as Pack Install file and load or do I have to start again---thank you--hope this makes sense

Edit--sorry posted in wrong section-again

Edit:  Moved to proper board by Roger Brenizer
Yamaha Genos


If you now have a different Genos you will need to install the instrument ID file into the YEM and then create a new install pack to load into your new Genos.


grrrr-thought as much---thank you. New genos arrives tomorrow--regrettted selling last one, big mistake
Yamaha Genos


Just put aside a few hours with a cup of tea whilst YEM churns away creating the pack, then another few hours to install it on the Genos :)


Its almost prehistoric  :'( :'(
Yamaha Genos


I think unprotected PPI/CPI files can be installed on all keyboards of the same type. At least this works for PPI files that come direcly from Yamaha as part of their free expansion packs.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700