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TYROS5+ Styles for PSR-SX900

Started by PSR-USR-IND, Aug 15, 2022, 03:02 AM

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Hi Everyone,
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With Regards

Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


"(August 11, 2022) I am still using PSR-S970 because it is more user friendly than the SX series."

You said it! Exact same reason I'm keeping all my non-touch screen Yamahas.

Anyone who does deep editing will agree, non-touchscreen is *more* user friendly than touch screen (for editing. For learning how to navigate the KB, touchscreen *is* better).


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Mark Wilburn

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Joe W

Onacimus has completed his conversion of the Tyros5 and CVP-709 styles for the PSR-SX900.  I have the SX900 and these conversions are excellent; they all sound great on my keyboard.   He has also launched a project to convert the Tyros4 and CVP-609 styles for the PSR-SX900.  Those conversions are still in progress.  Go to his Styles > Collections page to download these style sets:


This collection includes 1. All TYROS5 Styles including Converted AudioStyles, 2. Additional CVP-709 Styles including Converted AudioStyles and 3. Additional PSR-S970 Styles including Converted AudioStyles. Here [A] means TYROS5 AudioStyles, [C] means additional CVP-709 Styles and [P] means additional PSR-S970 Styles. These three models are with same configuration. All the styles support Multi Insertion as well as System DSP Effects for style tracks. All styles have 3 Right Hand Voices in OTS. MegaChoir voices in style tracks and Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login Choir Voices in OTS are perfect. PSR-SX900 supports most of the T5 New Voices. But S.Art2 Voices are absent. So I replaced corresponding Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login voices and featured voices. Some Organ voices are unknown in some Ballroom and Movie&Show styles. I replaced to the best of my taste.
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


Onacimus did a nice job, thanks to him!
Unfortunately, Multipads do not work.


Quote from: Pityus on Aug 21, 2022, 04:33 AM
Onacimus did a nice job, thanks to him!
Unfortunately, Multipads do not work.
Yes it is true. When I converted styles in my PSR- S970, OTS carry Multipads for different styles. But in SX900 some OTS carry different Multipads. But many remain only in "Powerkit1" that may the default one. We need to put individually, took lot of time.
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


Regarding T4, I found almost all the styles from T4 are in SX900, just some missing that are dropped. I basically used factory T4 styles from here and they played pretty much ok, although some voices are blank/missing.


How were audio styles converted here - to new audio styles or to regular midi styles that sound comparable? Do they require some expansion voices that you need to install?


Quote from: mixermixer on Aug 25, 2022, 09:17 AM
Regarding T4, I found almost all the styles from T4 are in SX900, just some missing that are dropped. I basically used factory T4 styles from here and they played pretty much ok, although some voices are blank/missing.
In T4 SA2 Style Voices (SA2!Harmonica style, SA2!JazzTrumpetStyle, SA2!ClarinetStyle etc) are used in Style Tracks. Also in many OTS SA2 panei voices are used. They will not sound in any PSR models. So I replaced with the related voices available in the PSR models
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles