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XF file

Started by JAKIV, Aug 21, 2022, 03:12 PM

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Hi there.
I have made some XF files for Yamaha Keyboards.
Does anyone want to trade XF files or know where to download some.  It is a bit time consuming to make so it would be nice if we could help each other.
Best regards


what is a XF file?


Quote from: AmirInTexas on Aug 22, 2022, 11:57 PM
what is a XF file?

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Vali Maties - Genos


XF Files are standard .mid files, but it includes Lyric and TABS.
When you play an XF file, you will see the Lyric and TABS in the screen on your Keyboard.
It's almost like Karaoke files, but with TABS.
The Lyric and TABS will follow the music.
It therefore replaces the paper version of the song, as you can follow it on the screen of your keyboard.
Very handy I think :-)
It's relativ easy to change an .kar file "Karaoke files" to an XF files, but if you only got the plain .mid file it take some time to change it for XF file.
Thats way I would like to share my XF file with others XF files in return :-)


Is this what they call a "song" in the yamaha manual, where you can play one of the styles in sync with a midi that shows a score, chord and lyrics on the keyboard's screen?

This is exactly what I was searching for, but for some reason nobody is offering these anywhere (or I don't know what to search for). They offer 1 factory demo song in this format and that's it. Is there a place where you can get these kinds of files anywhere on the internet? How are they properly called?

I would be extremely interested in these but I don't have anything to offer in return. Can you share how you are making them or searching for them?


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Here you can find some documents about XF specifications and recommandations.
See right side of the page -> XF

When you buy a YMG Extended midi file on 'Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login' a XF file is included.

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