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Clicky black keys

Started by NAMA, Jul 06, 2022, 03:27 PM

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Some month ago I bought a secondhand PSR-SX700. Is is a very nice keyboard but now have the problem of the clicky black keys as discribed in previous posts. There is no warranty on the instrument. I have a technical background so it should not be a problem to do the repair myself. In the previous posts I cannot find what the best grease is and I like to receive some advise on this, like suggestions on brand, typenumber, where to buy etc. I also like to receive more detailed information about the procedure to replace the grease. I welcome any information. Thanks in advance,
Greetings from The Netherlands.
Never too old to learn.
Genos,Korg K49 and CVP709PE

Jean-Pierre 33

Hello Nama,

Here is Yamaha's recommendation sheet on this problem but I can't find it in France.
Personally I would go for Lithium grease which is white in color and perfectly suited for plastic.
A small drop as stated on the Yamaha spec, should be enough to resolve this rattling.

Have a good day


Jean-Pierre 33

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Thank you very much Jean-Pierre. I will give it a try.
Never too old to learn.
Genos,Korg K49 and CVP709PE


Don't use lithium grase. Use synthetic PTFE grase.