Are PSR Styles files compatibles for CVP 809?

Started by AlainG, Jul 05, 2022, 12:04 AM

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I am interested in some PRS styles available, but it look incompatible to install on my CVP 809.
I noticed they are mainly .psr or .sty and for my CVP, the extension is .rgt

Can someone could advise on what to do to convert if possible?



If it is a style conversion, they should work in a fashion remember the difference in technology between the two. If its a RGT then no. If you have a rgt you want to share i will see if it will convert, however the 809 for some reason has had file ex issues for conversion


Thanks for your reply.....I think I did not explain clearly.

I downloaded some PSR Styles with .psr or .sty extension and I wish to convert them in .rgt for install them in my CVP 809.
Is this feasible?
Any software to do so?


You need to step back and make sure you understand the basics here.
Styles and registrations are not the same. You can't convert because they do completely different things.
Styles are files which you select to play as your accompaniment. Style files will normally work on most Yamaha arrangers including CVPs, although there are voice and effect differences between models which may make them sound a little different or need a little adjusting. But mostly they sound ok.
Registrations (usually .rgt) are files which can store many of your keyboard feature selections and settings - including voices, styles, effects, various features like pedal settings - so you can instantly recall them. But they do not contain any of the actual files - the style or the voice or effect. They just store the information on what you used, and where they are stored. Since they need to know exactly what you used and where to find it they are often quite keyboard specific. The registration file you import might refer to a style you don't have, or even if you do, it may not know where to find it. A very common mistake new arranger players make is to import a registration which points to a custom style but not to also import the custom Style. And even if they do, you also
have to re-do the registration to tell it where that style is stored.
The other thing is that the way Yamaha systems work you need to be in the right area function of the keyboard to see specific files. You cannot view voices if you are in styles. You cannot view registration files (.rgt) unless you first select registrations. You cannot view style files unless you select 'styles'.
I advise you to take some time and read through the various sections on the PSR Tutorial to learn about styles, registrations, voices etc. Not the forum. You get to these by clicking the PSR Tutorial at top right of the forum index page, then follow menus.

Graham UK

AlainG. STY & RGT file are two completely file types, so one can not be converted the other.

But Once you load a Style into your keyboard you can make Registration RGT's which saves your chosen settings.
Example chose a Style suitable for a tune you wish to play, edit parts of the style wish to change like OTS voices etc:
Go to this link and read this Workshop Tutorial for you to understand better.

MIKE reply above was a few seconds before me replied.


Dear Alain,

I own A Genos and a Clavinova CVP 309 in polished ebony too.

Nevertheless the 309 is from 2005 (using an old style format called "SFF1") when I got the Genos I was able to load all my (many, many...) styles (.sty) I had in the Clavinova. No problems at all. Obviously I went trough all the styles to adjust their sounds and volumes and effects to utilize the beautiful Genos sounds and effects (15 years of progress in technology).your Clavinova  CVP 809.

I'm sure that you will have no problem at all to load .sty styles into the 809. This precious website offers thousands of styles in .sty format.

I was NOT able to load into Genos the Clavinova Registrations (.rgt). I did that only thanks to the courtesy of Fred Smith, who converted my "old" Registrations in a format compatible with Genos, by the use of a dedicated software.

Hove this help. Enjoy!
Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.