Storing recording on Ipad

Started by mikf, Jun 26, 2022, 06:19 AM

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Probably being a bit stupid here in not figuring out how to do this. I make an MP3 audio recording on my keyboard, so now it's on a usb stick. How do I easily get that onto an iPad which has no usb socket? I can make an email on my computer, attach the MP3 to the email and send to myself. Then extract it from the email on my iPad. But surely there's a better way??



There is a USB connection on the charging lead that can be used or you can get the USB Camera Adapter and use this.


Do you mean put the usb charging lead straight into the keyboard while attached to the iPad?


Mike I think Eileen means plug in the USB to one end of the charging lead then plug in the charging lead into the IPad


Yes Del, that's what I am asking, or does she mean load the MP3 onto a computer from USB stick, then plug the iPad into the computer using the charging lead to transfer from computer to iPad.