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Future price predictions for a used Genos 1?

Started by Stubby, Nov 17, 2023, 04:33 PM

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I'm thinking of selling my Genos 1 now that G2 is coming soon.  For those of you that have watched the resale markets earlier when an upgraded version of an existing Yammy board is announced, do you have a prediction of where the USA market for a previous version of the same board is headed?

My G1 is in mint condition, and Reverb shows some in mint condition being offered anywhere from USD $3400 to $4899 (the latter being Sam Ash Music).  Some offer free shipping, while other charge an amount that varies. New G1s range from $3350 to $5999, although all the big name stores except one have their listed at $4999.

I'm attempting to predict how the price for used G1s will move, and I don't need to be in a rush to sell.   Seeing as how most of the commercial music stores don't seem to be engaging in a price war for their inventory of used G1s, I'm wondering if the lower prices offered now (which mostly seem to be individuals, not commercial sellers) will eventually disappear and then the prices for used G1s will rise nearer to the prices offered by dealers.  On the other hand, I'm sure more used G1s will appear soon, once buyers receive a new G2 as they are being shipped out. 

Any and all comments, guesses, theories etc appreciated!


Hi Stubby --

I noticed that you're located in Reno, NV. So, you're probably most interested in the U.S.A. used market.

I've been browsing for other used gear (e.g., Yamaha Reface DX) on eBay, Reverb, Sweetwater Gear Exchange, etc. I'm kind of shocked by the asking prices. Some of the asking prices are higher than the advertised retail price! These prices are set by individual people who are 1. smoking the wacky tobacky or 2. willing to wait a loooooong time.

A reasonable price should draw a buyer. It's like real estate. The higher the price, the longer time on the market. (Unless you live somewhere with an insane housing market.  :o )

So, it might be better to look at operations that turn over a lot of user gear -- like the infamous Guitar Center. GC has several user Genos1 ranging from $3,000 to $4,200 USD. Undercut GC and your used Genos1 might move fast. How much money do you want to squeeze out of your Genos1? GC lo-balls trade-ins in order to make money back on the sale.

The other issue is regional market size. I like Reno, but it's not a big metro area. Are you willing to ship?

Lots of factors to consider -- pj


Thanks pj for your comments.  I wasn't wondering about a current price, whether fair or not, but instead which way the market for a used G1 might move.  It could go up in the next couple of months if there is an oversupply of folks trying to get the money from their G1 now and fewer used G1s become available as time marches on.  It could also go down in a couple of months as more G1 owners take delivery of their new G2, and after moving their G1 files over to their new G2 decide that they no longer want to have their G1 sitting around. 
I don't know why, but I just have this gut feeling that we might see the bottom of the lowest prices of used G1s soon, and that prices will gradually rise a bit.  But I admit, I'm an optimist!  When I do list it, it would be on Reverb and shipping would be available, so in that sense the price I could likely get would represent more of a national average than a local one.


Hi Stubby --

Oh, well. Unfortunately, my crystal ball is cloudy.  :D

Personally, I would try to get on the market soon and then reduce the price over time.

Having transitioned from S950 to G1, I was glad that I kept the S950 until all was set up on G1.

Best of luck -- pj

J. Larry

No G1 here; however, I'm wondering how the market will treat fair pricing for the S975 and SX900, both in mint condition.  I'm thinking about moving to the G2.


There will be lots of Genos 1 keyboards in the shops very soon as people change to Genos 2. Dealers are giving around £2000 in part exchange at the moment. Some a little more.