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Korg PA5X

Started by soryt, Jun 30, 2022, 03:47 AM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: soundphase on Jul 03, 2022, 10:42 AM
Some musicians will consider that using a style or an Electronic Yamaha sax SA2sample is "manufacturing" music
A sax is a sax and has to be played by notes the same as a keyboard .
The skill is using the articulations and getting the trills right.
We go from side to side and a sax player goes up and down
Well, Sausages to that then!!! ;) :)
There is no skill in putting a load of samples on a flashing light box and being a DJ just pressing buttons.
The skilled Dj's of the past could actually entertain people, not just push buttons and look like an automaton with a blank staring face  on the stage.
The trouble with todays music is that it is depressing and not fun anymore.
That George Ezra would not even make  B side on a disc in the 70s because he is so nondescript like all of todays manufactured rubbish.
The millionaire moguls are laughing all the way to the bank churning out music on a conveyor belt
Today is a different world where music is dull , you can get knifed going out late at night .Women are not safe and drugs are rife on the scene.
Couple that with mobile phones and playstations and you have a depressive world of lazy youngsters that want easy jobs and high pay and cannot put up with stress.
I tell young people that if i had a time machine i would go back to the 60s and 70s in a heartbeat

I'm off to a Deep Purple concert now. Where did i put that Argon Accumulator!!! "Oh i must get a flux capacitor!! ::) ;D Got to McFly! :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Lee Batchelor

I always enjoy your humor, John! Sadly, you're right about today's music. Among the musicians I work with, we all agree that there has been very little decent music written since about the mid 80s.'s all thump with no melody and nothing but violent or depressing lyrics.

Perhaps I could fire up my Star Trek transporter and beam over to your place. From there, we'll go to the pub for a few pints - my treat. I'll need your co-ordinates when you have a moment ;D.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Remember Genos will let you apply multiple insert DSP to any part. The limitation is that on the UI you can only edit the parameters of the one 'on top' of the stack.


Registrations will save more than 1 insert DSP per voice. Parameter edits will also be retained as long as the changes are first saved as a User DSP (for dsp's that are not top of the stack) before memorising the registration.



And the V2 upgrade gave us 30 user effect slots to play with. 

You can use DSP 1-19 with any voice part. Though I expect that a stack of 19 DSP *might just* be considered overkill :)

Graham UK

How can anyone possibly find faults, sound or otherwise when they have not yet seen or even played a new keyboard.
Although YouTube quality can be good, one can't judge a product from listening to a YouTube Video.
​A lot of forum members own both Yamaha & Korg, they are both different and there to be enjoyed.


The quality of Yamaha effects is excellent, and they can be saved to registration memory.

the only problem is transitioning from one sound to another continuously, as you will hear clipping or popping, due to the different effect settings for each voice, within the same registration bank

I think that this problem of transitioning from one sound to another, Yamaha can solve it in the next flagship, and even mid-range models.


"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Quote from: Graham UK on Jul 04, 2022, 01:50 PM
How can anyone possibly find faults, sound or otherwise when they have not yet seen or even played a new keyboard.
Although YouTube quality can be good, one can't judge a product from listening to a YouTube Video.
​A lot of forum members own both Yamaha & Korg, they are both different and there to be enjoyed.

That's a good approach, Graham. I agree with you on this. But remember you are on a YAMAHA forum! Then there will always be Yammies who (rightly or wrongly?) think that they have the 'best' in the world and have a judgment ready quickly. You come across such opinions all over the internet in various forums about, for example, cars, mobile phones, TVs, etc. etc. Trying to convince someone else of the opposite on a 'brand forum' is often a waste of energy. Leave it, just decide for yourself and be happy what you have. ;-)
My best regards,

Lee Batchelor

Graham, so far my comparisons of the 5X versus Genos are based on listening to both keyboards on YouTube. Of course, it depends on how the two keyboards were recorded but YouTube is a good base line measurement. I agree that playing the 5X in person through a real sound system may blow ones socks off their feet but that's yet to be seen ;D.

There was one demo in what sounded like Spanish or Italian - sorry I couldn't tell BUT I believe it was from either Korg or another authorized source, and video quality was uploaded at 250p!!!! What the heck was that :o? Whomever uploaded and produced the demo is still living in the mid-90s ::).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Graham UK on Jul 04, 2022, 01:50 PM
How can anyone possibly find faults, sound or otherwise when they have not yet seen or even played a new keyboard.
Although YouTube quality can be good, one can't judge a product from listening to a YouTube Video.
​A lot of forum members own both Yamaha & Korg, they are both different and there to be enjoyed.

Graham, Well said!


Just some interesting trivia:

Although Yammies and Korgies spar a lot, the relationship between Yamaha and Korg had always been cordial.  In fact, Yamaha controlled Korg from 1987 to around 1993.
-- Luis



Quote from: EileenL on Jun 30, 2022, 05:30 AM
Why are we talking about Korg on a Genos thread. This should obviously have its own thread called other keyboards or better still if you want to know more then go to the Korg forum. I have not been that impressed by what I have seen so far

I agree with Eileen.  I have not seen any section on this site for Other Keyboards.  Although a PSR site, many of us have/want a complementary keyboard(s), and having the discussions with other PSR/Genos enthusiasts may offer context that other sites may not.
-- Luis



Although agree with Eileen about how this forum is directed yamaha keyboards and usage,
i did find a few of the new korg videos helpful
in locating a new feature that was totally lacking in the current Genos, or sx900.   That feature was the ability to put 2 styles
together to create a new groove,, etc.   However, after much thought decided to try putting a style on and then finding a loop
multi pad...  i.e.  love ballad with one of the acoustic guitar bossas.... which worked well,,, also... the yamahas have a style
creator function (which am totally unexperienced, but does exist) whereby it would be possible to insert, develop a style that has
2 different grooves.    So not overly impressed by the korg feature but the video did inspire a curiousity how to make the genos
comparable, using 2 styles as well.  I think this is a valid way to check out these new keyboards and discover  how we can increase  usage with new  ideas .  tips , tricks etc. on our current yamahas.


\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Yes, all the bells and whistles on the new Pax5 may draw many in but it is the sound that counts  and the Pax5 does not come anywhere near the Genos.
I have watched quite a few videos and they  have convinced me that the Pax5 is inferior on sound overall.
Just look at the trade in price for the Genos. It is a no brainer to hang on to your Genos's, but do not squeeze to hard!! ::) ;D
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Here is another Pa5X YouTube video that is quite impressive in my opinion. From Bonedo Synthesizers and it really shows in some detail how good the Pa5X stacks up to the competition, the Genos being the other flagship arranger currently on the market that is its direct competitor and Yamaha is probably taking notice. I think Korg really hit a home run this time around and Yamaha will have to step up its game to give the Pa5X a run for its money. In about 2 years? We'll see but Yamaha might want to speed things up a bit or they might lose a lot of loyal customers to the competition if they drag their feet and dilly dally. The demonstration is all playing, no talking.

Lee Batchelor

There's no question the 5X has its strengths. About 90% of that demo contains the electronic genre, which I never play. The one part with the solo trumpet sounded dated but perhaps it can be EQed to match the Genos quality. The pianos and organs are better than Genos.

It sounds like Korg is chasing a different market than Yamaha. If G2 comes out and leans heavy toward the Dance stuff, I won't be buying it.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: keynote on Jul 05, 2022, 09:48 AM
Here is another Pa5X YouTube video that is quite impressive in my opinion. From Bonedo Synthesizers and it really shows in some detail how good the Pa5X stacks up to the competition, the Genos being the other flagship arranger currently on the market that is its direct competitor and Yamaha is probably taking notice. I think Korg really hit a home run this time around and Yamaha will have to step up its game to give the Pa5X a run for its money. In about 2 years? We'll see but Yamaha might want to speed things up a bit or they might lose a lot of loyal customers to the competition if they drag their feet and dilly dally. The demonstration is all playing, no talking.

I have discovered the wow factor :-[

[attachment deleted by admin]
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Jeff Hollande

Hi Guys :

It might be interesting to know the pros and cons of a competitor's product.
Much more useful for the manufacturer than for the enduser though.

However, if a customer is happy and pleased with her/his arranger keyboard, why should she/he decide to go for another brand ?
I am very happy with my Yamaha. Why should I change ?

Both Japanese companies have their own OS.
The software is not interchangeable.

Some people own/play both brands : Yamaha and Korg.
It might be useful to know why they need two different arrangers.

Best regards, JH


Tommy 73

This is a worthy video of PA5X... I recommend listening through some good headphones or a lovely pair of ((((Focal Studio Monitors)))) wink know who you are  :) 

P.s... I also recommend copy/past into YouTube search bar the link above for HD video and best sound quality.
Yamaha Montage M8x : Korg PA5X 76  : Roland Jupiter 80 : Waldorf STVC : Roland Integra 7 : Waldorf Streichfett : Focal Trio6 ST6 : Studio Outboards/RME Audio Interface/A&H Mixer :


Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Jul 05, 2022, 12:47 PM
Hi Guys :

It might be interesting to know the pros and cons of a competitor's product.
Much more useful for the manufacturer than for the enduser though.

However, if a customer is happy and pleased with her/his arranger keyboard, why should she/he decide to go for another brand ?
I am very happy with my Yamaha. Why should I change ?

Both Japanese companies have their own OS.
The software is not interchangeable.

Some people own/play both brands : Yamaha and Korg.
It might be useful to know why they need two different arrangers.

Best regards, JH

I had a Korg Pa600 and I never liked the sound of the keyboard but there are two really amazing things I love about the Pa600, one is the midi sequencer, It is much better than the one I have on my CVP809 and my PSR S970. The second thing is the ability to create new RX and DNC sounds (These sounds are similar to the MegaVoices and Super Articulation 2 voices that you usually found on Yamaha Keyboards) this kind of feature is really useful because you can create new sounds like for example A Peruvian pan flute with all the articulations and noises or a new piano with all the mechanical noises, release samples, etc, and then sell it to someone.

Jeff Hollande

If a Yamaha is sounding so much better than a Korg, why should I buy a Korg ever ?

For me the sound quality is the most important feature.



I was ready with my PSR S950 and bought a second hand Korg PA4X from a friend.
A keyboard with a lot of extra software.  I am am happy with this...! Now I will get used to
the other user interface. But this is easy..! The Touchscreen  makes things easy!



Sound quality may be partly individual taste. People who already own Yamaha likely did so because they like the 'yamaha' sound. So its not surprising to find on a Yamaha forum that people continue to prefer the sound of the yamaha.
There will be others who feel the same way about the 'Korg' sound.




For me this is representative
Now, PA4x-76 was here 2500Euro and PA5x-76 is 4600Euro - huge difference. 200Euro up to Genos.
I just wait to see live the difference of the sound quality for this 2100Euro.
Regarding the internal software, like usual at KORG, what it is, it is full not half measure(no other software needs).
Same number of voice and style for users (768 voice and 384 drums)
Waiting for kind of free LOCAL for second set full - is not
I'm worry for DIRECT presence which increase number of user styles - I didn't saw until now
KAOOS FX function of PA4x - almost sure is not
MIDI to STYLE PA4x function - I didn't find on the extended user manual - possible to be, but?
Waiting for SDD instead of HDD - no chance - economy issue - only one, not included, SD card like on the previous series.
Nice 2 players for everything and 16 pad Matrix new function.
Even I have both, I don't love YAMAHA or KORG I love music and I will try to be happy with what they try to sale me.

Best Regards!
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: Jeff Hollande on Jul 05, 2022, 03:47 PM
If a Yamaha is sounding so much better than a Korg, why should I buy a Korg ever ?

For me the sound quality is the most important feature.


Ride on Jeff !! :)
The Genos sax sounds like one. The korg sax sounds more like a clarinet
The Korg Guitars are dire.
Pianos on Korg are good ,the rest under par ::)
My last word on this subject
The next Yamaha i will wait for :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


With you there John.


Quote from: ugawoga on Jul 06, 2022, 03:14 AM

The Genos sax sounds like one. The Korg sax sounds more like a clarinet.

Hi John --

Aside from the sax sound on Yamaha, what really sold me is the SA/SA2 playability and responsiveness, for lack of other terms. Yamaha really nails this. I can play a sax line by intuition and the instrument seems to be an extension of my gestures.

Can Korg do this? I &^^%$&^ well don't know. Korg arrangers are completely MIA (missing in action) in USA retail stores. I'm not about to order a $4K arranger on-line just to try it and send it back! Someone praised the Kronos acoustic instrument emulations, but they left me cold.

It's a musical instrument, so honestly, I don't know what to expect unless I actually play it and hear it in person.

Good points -- pj


Dear Genos forum members, it is in my opinion very premature to pass judgment on the Korg Pa5x! It is common, as on all forums, that the competing brand is viewed and listened to with a magnifying glass. It is very difficult for a "You-Tube" video to show the true quality.
Just to be clear, I am a Genos player and previously Tyros 1 & 5. Last year I sold a near-new Korg Pa4x 76 'Musikant' back after about 10 months.
As usual, the Korg Pa4x could also do things that Genos couldn't or didn't have on board, such as the extensive sound and style editor, very good drums, midi to style (creator-bot), the wonderful "TC Helicon" harmoniser, loading sounds without extra software and without formatting the entire memory in most cases.
What also struck me was that the Korg Pa4x sounds better in the mixing than Genos for live use, what is said here that the sounds are not good I think is total nonsense, the quality is sometimes variable but comparable to Genos.
The good choice of materials stood head and shoulders above Genos, this is also the case with the Pa5x.
The big disadvantage of the Korg Pa4x was the software, it had no structure and therefore difficult to operate, unlike the user-friendly structure of the Genos.
For example: loading styles, mp3, midi's must always be done via complete "sets" or "direct sets", while with Genos this data can be read and used directly from a USB stick.
I am very satisfied with my Genos since the end of 2017, and I don't wait for a successor to the Genos.
One very important note! it's not the keyboard that plays the biggest role but especially the person behind it!!!!
PS: this weekend I'm going to a private demo of the Pa5x with a Korg demonstrator, I'll be able to hear and see how it really sounds and what the improvements are in handling.
Genos2, Korg Pa5x76, Studiologic Numa x2 Compact, Focurite 6i6, V-Console, PC-Gig Performer & VST's.
Before: Genos1, Tyros 1, Tyros 5-76, Wersi Organs: CD Spectra & OAS Abacus Duo Pro, OAS Scala GS700.


Hi musicman01
Bravo!!!. That is exactly the point (I'm a Tyros5 player).