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definitive 60's style

Started by lenzieman, May 27, 2022, 07:50 AM

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Hi people, I'm on a nostagia trip, yet again. Does anyone out there have a definitive early 60's style that would suit the hits of Bobby Vee, Carole King, Neil Sedaka, Helen Shapiro et al.  I know there are several styles with the label "60's" under POP & ROCK in my T4 but they're not quite on the money. Perhaps, there is a fellow member, a babyboomer like me, who knows what I'm getting at and has tweaked an in-built style to be, well, just that little bit more accurate. I really would be most grateful.   Cheers.   :)


IMHO there is really no such thing as a 'definitive 60s style' and I think this is way too wide a definition. Each of these performers had several hits and they are all different, even if they all have 6Os feel. Try picking just one song, and asking if someone has a good style for that. Maybe you will then find it will work for a few songs of that era.


While I agree with Mike's reply you can download this style

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which will work with some of the Neil Sedaka hits.



Thanks for your replies guys. Yes. I should have been more specific but the style posted by Larry is just about perfect, it fits "Take good care of my baby"  "Oh, Carol"  "You don't know" "Will you love me tomorrow" and I have still more to try. It just has the right feel. Thanks again.


Try the Bubblegum Pop style - it's as close as it gets for all those songs, and more.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Quote from: travlin-easy on Jun 02, 2022, 10:57 AM
Try the Bubblegum Pop style - it's as close as it gets for all those songs, and more.

Gary 8)
Belated thank you, T/E.    Sorry - laptop was in for small repair and big bill!!    :(