French Styles

Started by Divemaster, May 16, 2022, 06:08 AM

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I am travelling to France later this year to visit family
I am intending to take my PSR-SX700 with me, and wondered if anyone has any general French Styles that they would share? These seem to be a bit limited in the Yamaha selections.
I know there's a couple on the keyboard, but I'd like to get say about say a dozen different ones to cover most of the popular well known French songs.
I think the plan is for about 20 of us to have a BBQ in the gardens, so a bit of music will go down well.

Thanks for any ideas.

Ryszard Bieszczad

You have French styles in the French forum. I am providing the link.
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A day without making music is a lost day :)


Most of the well known French songs are just standards, other than the original French lyrics there is nothing very specifically French about the music, and a wide variety of styles would fit. I'm thinking of songs like Umbrellas of Cherbourg, La Mer, La Vie en Rose, No Regrets, She and the fabulous Yesterday  When I Was Young ( both Aznavour), ....


Check out this site from Fred Tyros Studio:
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Thanks to you all, and I will get practising !

Merci Bien !


See on this French site:

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