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PSR-S975 Version 1.01

Started by madirv, Nov 11, 2022, 03:12 AM

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HI everyone,
I bought this keyboard brand new in aug 2019.  I am fairly novice but have always had problem with the volume settings.  Cannot use the touch button at all as sounds are then barely audible.  I set all volumes on all instruments each time i play a new piece and then enter then in the registrations.  I have just found an old post on this forum where members have had similar issues and it was mentioned that the version installed was 1.01.  I contacted Yamaha yesterday and told them my KB has version 1.00 and could I have an update.  Reply said version 1.00 was correct and there were no issues with it and there was no update to 1.01.  He suggested I adjusted the Touch Response to Soft 2 and that should help.
It is already on Soft 2.   I have responded asking why V1.00 is on my model and am awaiting his response.
Can anyone confirm that the correct version is 1.01 and am I being fobbed off??
Many thanks


Just checked on Yamaha web and there's no firmware update for PSR-S975. I think that's normal in this case, because S975 and S970 are practically the same keyboards and all issues were already solved on S970.

About touch sensitivity
I had PSR-S775 before (same as S975 in this regard) and I think I know exactly what you mean. That is, if touch sensitivity is off, then sound (piano, for example) is "crisp & clean".. but when touch is on, then it sounds silent and and kinda "muddy" -unless I really smashed the key. At least that was my experience.
Because I didn't know better, I mostly used keyboard with touch turned off. Then I bough SX700 and it's practically the same. But the problem is, SX700 doesn't have touch button on panel, so I can't quickly turn touch off. And because going into display menu (just for that) was "too complicated", I simply adapted to new situation.
And guess what? After few days of using keyboard with touch on, it started to sound normal to me: if pressing keys gently it's more silent than if I smash the key -that's how piano works. Think it that way: if touch is off, then piano sounds like you are always fully punching the keys and that's not how we play a piano or any instrument.
Of course you need to set keyboard volume to louder, than in case with touch off. My advice is, start using touch and you will be rewarded.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube

Toril S

Bogdan has a good point.  You will adapt to the sound.I also have the S975. There has been no firmware updates to it.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Thank you very much indeed for that info.  I will have a bash at that.  I'm not an expert musician ---I just bash around at home and just generally enjoy myself but I always felt there was something not quite right about the sound.  Apologies but could you just confirm that v1.00 is correct then?
I am just embroiled in an exchange of emails with the guy at yamaha who says they have no info re version 1.01 firmware at Yamaha Music Europe.
I will have to write back to him but I got this info from a post dated 2 years ago and several people were adamant that v1.01 was installed at the onset.
Want to get my facts right before I respond to him again---possibly this time with an apology :)  :)
Thanks again


Firmware version 1.00 means, that's the first version that officially existed (for this keyboard). And because there's no update at Yamaha:
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-that means, version 1.01 doesn't exist (for this keyboard).
I would recommend you just tell to that person, that you sorted the issue.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube