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Volume of some of the voices

Started by Ton, May 13, 2022, 09:37 PM

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Hello friends , :)

I am still stuck with my S975 and I must admit I do not play as often as I should , but my health problems sometimes take over and then nothing seems to be as it should. :(
My question is this :  Some of the voices on the S975 are way too soft even with volume turned way up to 100% they are barely audible. ( I must admit  having hearing probs and tinnitus ) >:( >:( >:( >:(
I use he headphones a lot to overcome that last mentioned problem.
My question is , is there a way to increase volume apart from the overall (main) volume controle ?

Last year ,this time, I wrote and you answered a lot , about getting a T5 or psr SX 900. What stopped me from getting one?
I had to spend money on my disabled scooter so that put an end to the keyboard exchange  :-\ :'( :'( :'( :'(

Thanks in advance



HI Ton,

YOu can go into the style itself and adjust the volume of any or all the 8 tracks (ie CHR1, PAD, PH2) of each of the 4 Main parts, Intros and Endings. You will then need to SAVE the style with a NAME on your USER drive or USB stick.

I am still using a PSR S950 and it still sounds fantastic compared to a Genos. I don't think the keyboard is the issue. You may want someone else to listen to your styles and get their opinion before upgrading your keyboard.


Hi Ton
If the voices you mention are being used as Panel voices in R1, 2 or Left (ie. Not in the style) there is an additional volume setting for each voice available in the voice editor (maybe it is called Voice Set in the Psr? This setting in Tyros or Genos is in the first section of the editor, known as "Common" and is likely to be similarly placed on Psr's). The maximum settable volume  is 127, so if the default value is set lower than this you have latitude to raise it.


Toril S

I still have my S975. It is a very good keyboard. You can adjust volume of voices in the mixer, but ad said above, you then have to save the style ss a user style. Ton, I also have tinnitus. We lve in a world that never is silent. People do not understand how tired we get.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hello friends,

Thank you so much for your quick response , much appreciated !!!!!

I am aware of the individual settings, even setting those particular voices to 127 is nowhere near enough volume. You can barely hear them over the left hand or the accompaniment :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

For now , I will blame my hearing (or lack thereof)  :-\ :-\

Kind regards,


b.t.w.  My daughters got me a Yamaha Sound Bar SR-C20A. It improves the overall sound a lot  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Ton Antheunisse on May 14, 2022, 09:38 PM

I am aware of the individual settings, even setting those particular voices to 127 is nowhere near enough volume. You can barely hear them over the left hand or the accompaniment :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

For now , I will blame my hearing (or lack thereof)  :-\ :-\

Kind regards,


Your hearing can complicate the decision making but if it is solely "to blame" I would expect ALL voices to sound weak, not just the panel voices. Could it be that the style setting in your case is set too high and is drowning the melody voices? Have you tried setting the general style volume down until you can hear those voices? Then if at that setting the overall volume sounds too low, turn up the keyboard's master volume to compensate?


Most of the answers assumed you were referring to voices in the style - I don't know why?? - when you actually mean main rh voices. Answer is relatively simple. Adjust the mixer volumes so that rh voices are clearly heard over the accompaniment. Eg take the style volume down to about 80 and rh voice volume full up to about 120. Then adjust main volume to get actual overall volume where you want it.
If you are not getting enough overall volume, you can adjust the compressor to get a bit more punch.



Thanks a lot John and Mike, I will try as suggested !



Dear Ton,

when I purchased Genos I immediately found that the Voices volume, was (at my personal taste and experience) too low compared to the style accompaniment volume. I had many arrangers of other brands (mainly Korg, in the last 20 years), where the volume of Voices was (again: IMHO) well balanced.

I solved easy this issue, by setting the Style volume at 70 (instead of 100, that is the default one).

Nevertheless still some voices were to low. In these cases I went into Voice Edit and increased the Voice volume as needed. then saved into OTS (this way, instead of using Registration, I may record a volume that fits perfectly to that particular style).

I must say that I'm very happy with this approach.


Yamaha Genos, Clavinova Cvp309PE, Hs-8, Hammond Xm2.
Past: Farfisa Minicompact, CompactDeLuxe; Elkarapsody; Hammond L122R&Leslie142; CasioCz1000; Roland D50, E20, ProE, Juno106, JX8P, Ra90; Technics Kn800, 1000, 2000; Korg M1, i3, i30, Pa1x, Pa3x; others.


I guess this just goes to show how individual we all are. I often end up *increasing* the style volume over 100 using the live control slider, because I think the style volume is a bit low compared to the panel voices :)


It's a kind of common problem with midis - sound volume is very different on each midi file. I discussed it many tears ago with Michael Bedesem and he makes a solution in MixMaster to correct that. It is worth to try!!

Regards <> Piet
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module


Not sure what relevance  midi has to Ton's problem? ...  but I strongly suspect his hearing deterioration is at the root of this. It's not uncommon for hearing damage to affect higher frequencies more than low frequencies, which might appear to make the style sound much louder to him than the lead voices. Trouble is if he corrects it, then it will seem the opposite to other listeners ie treble voices drowning out accompaniment!


Hello all,

I like to thank all of you who took the time to reply to my query, I will try some of the suggestions
and a hearing aid will also be considered ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

kind regards,



Graham UK

To increase of the keyboards output.
In the EQ settings there is a GAIN control you can increase.
Next is to lower the overall style volume which will help with the Left & Right Voice volumes.


Not mentioned so far but when I've had students report this problem I give them two things to look for:

1) Balance in the mixer - everything set to 100 looks pretty but is seldom right! Some styles are just too darned loud, especially 3rd party ones, so maybe 85 for those.
2) Initial Touch Response - for most keyboard playing, Soft 2 is often the best choice. If you're playing a gentle sound like an Oboe, you're unlikely to hit the keys hard, but play more gently. This is a global 'set and forget' setting, so once done, it stays that way.

I'd look at these before diving into EQ settings. However, such diving may be needed if it's your hearing that's affecting things. As for tinnitus, I think a lot of musicians suffer - especially those pros who have been playing, and therefore listening, at high sound levels during their career.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Quote from: alanclare on Jun 08, 2022, 07:06 AM
Gosh. I've had my PSR S970 since 2015 and I've never heard of Touch Response. I've just used the Direct Access button followed by the Touch button and looked at a display in which Initial Touch Response was set at MEDIUM. I've changed it to SOFT2 and there is something different when I play, but I couldn't say what.

Andy. Can you explain Initial Touch Response please?

I also have a hearing problem (hole in one eardrum) and I use headphones.


Hi Alan

With the Initial Touch setting "Soft 2" you can already achieve relatively high MIDI velocity values ​​with a relatively light touch (compared to the "Medium" setting), i.e. a higher volume (except for voices that do not react to the touch strength, e.g. Organ Voices).

By the way, on newer models like the Genos, I recommend using the Initial Touch setting "Easy 2". You can basically achieve a higher volume with this, but you can still play very quietly if necessary (which is hardly possible with "Soft 2").

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Quote from: Ton Antheunisse on May 14, 2022, 09:38 PM
Hello friends,

Thank you so much for your quick response , much appreciated !!!!!

I am aware of the individual settings, even setting those particular voices to 127 is nowhere near enough volume. You can barely hear them over the left hand or the accompaniment :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

For now , I will blame my hearing (or lack thereof)  :-\ :-\

Kind regards,


b.t.w.  My daughters got me a Yamaha Sound Bar SR-C20A. It improves the overall sound a lot  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I agree with you on the volume setting not being loud enough and I don't have hearing problems. Sometimes I lower the accompaniment volume and that seems to help some to make the preset sound more audible, also try deactivating the touch button that helps too. I am still a novice player....just offering what works for me.

Best wishes,
