MyPlayListNT - - Manage your playlists

Started by Aliobaba, May 12, 2022, 10:36 AM

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Dear fellow musicians,

I am pleased to present you today the new version of the program "MyPlayListNT".

You can still download this program from this link.
It is free of charge and may be freely redistributed:

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I would be very happy about a short feedback, be it positive or critical!

Many greetings
Alfons Geigenberger


Now what can "MyPlayListNT" do?

The program "MyPLayListNT" would like to be a help for you in dealing with playlists and support you in the following points:

You can edit your already existing playlists with "MyPlayListNT" very easily and in many points and adapt them to your wishes.

All your playlist entries can be found in an archive (=fundus), so that you can create as many new playlists as you like at any time and as fast as lightning, which "fit" for any occasion.

Assign arbitrary abbreviations (=tags) to each playlist entry of your archive, so that with a few mouse clicks you will be shown exactly the playlist entries in the fundus that you need for the creation of new playlists. With the possibility of logical linking of the shortcuts among each other, you can create selections from all existing registration files with the help of the integrated database and very easily find any registration you are looking for. You will sometimes be surprised what undiscovered treasures your registrations have "hidden" from you so far.

You can use them to create new playlists that contain exactly the titles you need for a particular occasion.

For each playlist you also get a "setlist", which you can print out and put on your music stand or with your sheet music.

"MyPlayListNT" also creates a variety of playlists completely automatically during "installation". I suspect that in the near future you will be able to access your registrations most conveniently just by selecting tracks from various playlists. This is much easier than tediously searching for the appropriate keyboard setting by pressing two keyboard buttons at the same time in the various registration banks!

Let "MyPlayListNT" help you "move" your data to a USB stick and enjoy the many advantages of having all your keyboard data on one stick! A "step-by-step" guide integrated into the program "takes you by the hand".

With the new "PlayList-Manager" you can adapt your already existing(!) playlists to new paths of your registration files (".RGT-Files") on the USB-Stick. This way you can easily make changes to the path loaclizations of your registration files; your existing playlists will still work.
This also means that you can move your registration files AND(!) playlists from your keyboard hard drive to a USB stick, and you can continue to use all your playlists as before. "MyPlayListNT" adjusts the paths within the playlists to the new situation with just one mouse click.


And here is another copy of the "Read-Me" file:

Dear Fellow Musician,

I am glad that you want to have a look at this program "MyPlayListNT".

After unpacking, you will find the folder "1A_PlayList_Prg", which contains all the important files:

"MyPlayListNT.exe" is the program file
"ReadMe_Deutsch.txt" and "ReadMe_English.txt".
"sqlite3.dll" The program for the database application that "MyPlayListNT" requires
"ut.txt" Texts with which the program communicates with the user
"Demo_Files" Registration files that are included with the program.

These demo files contain about 350 registration files, which can be used to get to know "MyPlayListNT" first. These enclosed registration files (=".RGT-Files") contain shortcuts and tags , so that you can test with them the handling of these shortcuts at will. This folder is copied to the folder "\1aPL\1_Regists\Demo_Files\" at the first program start. It is up to you whether you want to use these files when playing with the keyboard or not. If not, then simply delete this folder again.
The demo files contain ".RGT-Files" for the "Genos" and also for the "SX-Series". This is marked in the fundus database. Of course you should only generate playlists with the Fundus entries that fit your instrument. More details can be found in the "Info Center" of the program.

Now please copy the folder "1A_PlayList_Prg" to a USB stick; the program will not run if you copy this folder to the "C:\" drive of your computer and start it from there. "MyPlayListNT" always works only with the USB stick where the program is located! This way the program always "knows" where its data is located.

So if you have this unzipped folder "1A_PlayList_Prg" on the USB stick, please start the "exe" file. The program will then install itself on your USB stick, which may take some time. "MyPlayListNT" will never delete data on your USB stick. It will also not "nest" on your computer and will never make any entries in your registry! (Principle: portable app").
"MyPlayListNT" needs for itself the folder "1aPL", which will be in the root directory of your USB stick after the first start. In it are then all the necessary data for the program, including the demo files mentioned above. The exact contents of the file structure can also be found in the "Info Center".

If you don't know "MyPlayListNT" yet and have never worked with it, then I recommend you to make this first start on a previously empty USB stick, i.e. copy the folder "1A_PlayList_Prg" to an empty USB stick. You can then test and try as many things as you like. Already after the first start of "MyPlayListNT" this USB stick is "ready" and can be used on your keyboard!

In doing so, you should also accept the "offer" that is made to you when you start the program: "Do you want to create the automated playlists?" Please answer this with "Yes". Then you have immediately for your test of the new USB stick on your keyboard all ".RGT files" also in playlists available and can call these registrations comfortably over playlists. These playlists are then available either in alphabetical order or sorted by the folders in which the corresponding registration file is located. You can find these playlists here:

But you can also copy the folder "1A_PlayList_Prg" to a USB stick that you already use for your playing on the keyboard! "MyPlayListNT" will - as said - leave your existing data untouched. But as a precaution, please make sure to do this on a copy(!) of your original USB stick!!!

"MyPlayListNT" is preset for security reasons in such a way that it works at first only with the folder "1aPL" and loads also only the registration files into the database, which are within the folder "1aPL". The reason is, that there are some musician colleagues, who make masses of backup copies on the USB stick (even if this does not bring more data security of course). Then enormously many ".RGT files", namely also all backup copies are stored as link in your fundus database, whereby the overview can suffer.

But of course very soon you want to work with all your previously used files on your usual USB stick. The info center and an introductory text at the program start will inform you how to change this program accordingly: It is only one mouse click!
After this changeover ALL ".RGT-Files", which are on your USB-Stick, will be available for convenient selection in the Fundus-Database.

Furthermore, of course, ALL your registration files will be made available to you for easy selection neatly arranged in several playlists, of course also for immediate and easy use on your keyboard. In these automatically created playlists you will find the links to your registration files sorted alphabetically and also sorted by registration folders.
Make this change soon so you can take full advantage of the power of "MyPlayListNT"!

Making a program update:

If you already know the program "MyPlayListNT" and have worked with it, then of course a simple "update" is sufficient:
To work with the latest version you only have to exchange two files:
The file "MyPlayListNT.exe" and the file "ut.txt".
That's all!!

After starting the program you will get all further information in the program-internal and everywhere accessible "Info-Center".

Have fun with your keyboard and with "MyPlayListNT"!

Your musician colleague
Alfons Geigenberger

(Suggestions, criticism, praise :-) at any time gladly by e-mail: forum[at]*****************)

Edit: Email address removed by Roger Brenizer.  Please don't post your email address in our public forum.  Our members can find your email address in your forum profile, Alfons.



Cannot look at it because a box comes up, written in German, which I do not understand.
I don't click on things unless I totally understand what I am doing.
Many thanks.




Hi Aliobaba,

Sound an interesting programme, but as mentioned it is not a straight forward download as you have to register, accept or reject cookies which is the box.

I wish you well with it.




Quote from: Aliobaba on May 30, 2022, 06:34 AM
Can you Show me the Box?
Here it is mate

[attachment deleted by admin]


this window does not come from "MyPlayListNT" but from the company "Heise"; so I cannot influence it. "Heise" checks all programs that are offered for download there very intensively for any viruses that may be present. The company "Heise" has a very, very good reputation here in Germany and is considered to be absolutely serious.

In addition, there is a so-called "Basic Data Protection Regulation" in Europe. Unfortunately!
These regulations totally overshoot the mark: with almost every web page, the user has to agree to something. This leads to the fact that many no longer pay attention to these notices and then simply click away unread. This is certainly not additional data protection!

In the program "MyPlayListNT" meanwhile all important texts are available in German and in English. A corresponding choice of language is offered in the program.

Have fun with "MyPlayListNT"!
Aliobaba (Alfons Geigenberger)


... registration is NOT required at "".