Raising the volume on a specific Multipad voice???

Started by Force81, May 07, 2022, 06:15 AM

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Very simply, as the title states, how can I raise the volume on one of the Multipad that I've chosen?
If I outline how/what/where/why, as it may not be as simple as it first appears!
I have  chosen the Shaker & Tambourine located in Position 16 of the Multipad. I can hear the various styles according to which Multipad bank I press, be it 1,2,3 or 4. This is very quiet compared to, pretty much, all the other Multipad voices, I have to say. Anyway.
Yes, I can turn up the Master Volume. Easy. But.......
The reason why I need this extra sound?
I have created a MIDI file (stored in my User Song file as well as backed up on my USB stick). This MIDI has been created to be (one of many!) a, I s'pose you could say, backing track for my better half to sing over when we go out to perform.
So, having found the shaker/tambourine voice that works from the Multipad, I can use the sound as and when necessary during a live performance.
The problem is the volume of the shaker/tambourine is very quiet. Very, indeed. I can't turn up the volume on just this Multipad voice without turning up the MIDI song as well. No good. Pointless.
So, the question is: Am I missing something and not doing something really simple to achieve this?
I do believe this can be done but I'm just not seeing it right now.
Much appreciated for ANY pointers in the right direction!

Fred Smith

A couple of ways.

Use the mixer to set the Multipad volume to 127.

If it's still not high enough, you will need to edit the.Multipad to increase the volume of the notes (called velocity). It's pretty easy to do on the keyboard.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Joe H

Open Multi Pad Creator and TAB to data list Edit on the Pad you want to change volume on.  You should see a Controller 07 message... that is Volume. Move the cursor to the column that will allow you to change the value.  If there is NO volume message, you can insert one at the beginning of the data list by pressing the insert button. Change the inserted message to controller number 07 and then set the value.  It will take a trial and error effort to get the right volume, but that's how it is done.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html