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DGX670 Editing Styles.

Started by Graham UK, Apr 27, 2022, 03:48 AM

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Graham UK

DGX670 Editing Styles. This works differently on DGX.
Spoken with the helpful Steve Marsden @ Yamaha Customer Support UK.
The correct procedure is
1. First PRESS Style Creator.
2. Press MIXER/EQ (Style Creator stays active in background).
3. Make Style Adjustments as required.
4. PRESS EXIT will auto re-open Style Creator again.
5. Tab to Assemble and press SAVE and add Name.
6. If the saved Style goes into USER, Copy To USB.

Anyone trying this Style editing.  I would like feedback if this method works without having to save a Registration Please.


Using this method you are creating a new copy of the style with any changes you wanted to make burned into it. This is different from saving a registration, which basically saves a "pointer" to the original style along with a set of instructions on how to modify that original style once it's loaded.

But one thing to watch out for is that if you use the style creator, you can (and indeed have to) set the mixer options separately for each of the sections (Main A-D plus intros and fills). Wheras using the registration method, any change you apply in the mixer applies to all sections. Each of these approaches is valid, it depends on what you want to do.

Graham UK

DerekA. For many-many years I Have successfully edited Styles to my requirements, gave them a song name without making Registrations.

The Main problem with Registrations is you have to keep two files Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login & 2.RGT because the RGT needs to find the Style so Style placement can't be changed or moved.
It's down to one's preference.