Newbie - Drum backing as metronome?

Started by Hearts51, May 04, 2022, 01:13 AM

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Hello all,

I'm a beginner as far as arranger keyboards are concerned and I'm hoping some of my fellow forum members might be able to help me.

As I practice/play various pieces and songs, I'd like to have a chilled drum backing sound as a metronome, instead of the usual tick, bell of a standard metronome etc. Is this possible?

I have a PSR-SX700 and a DGX-670 and would love to have this facility on both if it can be done. If this is a stupid question, please excuse me, it may be that I need some external kit to achieve what I'm after, but these keyboards are so versatile, I might just be struggling to find the correct setting or procedure.

Thanks in advance.

Edinburgh.  :)


Just start a style, with the ACMP button off. This will play only the style drum part. Pick a style that you like, or use the style creator to program your own pattern.

Another Derek from Edinburgh


Hello DerekA from Edinburgh!

Thanks for the quick response. How simple was that?!

I've yet to look at the style creator (I'll need to find it first lol), but your initial suggestion is bang-on, thanks again.

I'd watched a few YouTube videos with a guy called Kingsley and he seems to be able to switch on an external drum backing when he's demonstrating some cool chord progressions and it intrigued me.

I appreciate your help Derek.

All the best.