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MY s750 expansion .yep file is so big

Started by wanmm, May 14, 2022, 08:12 AM

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MY s750 expansion .yep file is so big. Its big about 61mb. How can I extract or edit? I already try with YEM latest version. Does not work so. It says An error occurred data could not be imported. And does not work in Style In YEP Files too. I tested into my kb. Does not work. How can I install that pack. Please show me some light please.


Where did you get it from?

Generally, only expansion packs sold by Yamaha specifically for the S750 model will work.

YEM will not help you at all, the S750 is not compatible with its file format.


one of Kb player made. Inside of that file included a few types of instruments .yep files. 61mb is a little big I think. Thanks for your answer sir.


From its manual, S750 has 64MB for expansion pack.