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Yamaha FC7 expression pedal question ?

Started by tyros2009, May 31, 2022, 08:07 PM

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Does this pedal affects style volume or right hand volume both ?
I am ordering one.
Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770


Right Hand + Left ( It is generally used for )
But I don't remember exactly, you can also set it for style volume.
Just read the owners manual on pedal settings. 
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


You can choose which part(s) the pedal will affect in the pedal assignment menu.


You can set it however you like. Some players like to set it to affect Right and Left Voices only, leaving the style at a fixed level. Others, myself included, prefer to have the pedal controlling everything. Try it both ways and see which best suits your playing.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


I would like to control the volume of the style with the ASSIGN slider on my T5 and have selected the corresponding controller function. In the foot pedal settings, I set Volume Style to OFF. Now my question: How can I save this setting permanently? I tried that with a start registration, but after switching it on again, it often happens that the style is ON again and causes an unwanted surprise. Which tick do I have to tick when saving the registration so that this does not happen?


Quote from: wersianer on Jun 02, 2022, 02:34 AM
I would like to control the volume of the style with the ASSIGN slider on my T5 and have selected the corresponding controller function. In the foot pedal settings, I set Volume Style to OFF. Now my question: How can I save this setting permanently? I tried that with a start registration, but after switching it on again, it often happens that the style is ON again and causes an unwanted surprise. Which tick do I have to tick when saving the registration so that this does not happen?

Hi wersianer,

Pedal settings cannot be saved permanently (globally) on the T5, only in registrations. The assignment of the Assignable Slider is automatically saved in the System Setup when you close the corresponding setting display with "Exit" (so that the setting is available again after a restart), BUT the setting can be changed again at any time by registrations (in which another Assignable Slider assignment is memorized). I therefore recommend either (as described below) to use a setup registration (start registration) and to use FREEZE if necessary. (Alternatively, you could of course memorize the "correct" settings in ALL registrations. However, it is a relatively large effort if you later want to change something in the "global" Pedal / Assignalble Slider settings.)

The current Foot Pedal settings are memorized with the check mark PEDAL in registrations, the current assignment of the Assignable Slider with the check mark ASSIGN.

If you set certain Pedal / Assignable Slider settings via a setup registration (start registration), you must ensure that these settings are not changed again by other registrations. I.e. in all other registrations the Pedal and Assignable Slider settings should NOT be memorized.

To ensure that the desired settings cannot be changed by other registrations, you could work with the FREEZE function: First, press "Direct Access > Freeze", make sure that only the PEDAL and ASSIGN checkboxes are ticked and close the Freeze settings by pressing the Exit button. Now call up your setup registration (when the Freeze button is OFF). Then turn the Freeze button ON. From now on, the Pedal / Assignable Slider settings can no longer be changed unexpectedly.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello Chris,

nobody here in this forum, but you, could have explained a problem solution better. You are an invaluable asset to everyone here and in this case especially to me. You don't leave anyone out in the rain. I and all of us can only say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the constant, competent and quick help.

Warm greetings


Quote from: wersianer on Jun 03, 2022, 01:18 AM
Hello Chris,

nobody here in this forum, but you, could have explained a problem solution better. You are an invaluable asset to everyone here and in this case especially to me. You don't leave anyone out in the rain. I and all of us can only say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the constant, competent and quick help.

Warm greetings

You're welcome, thank you for your kind words! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


"The current Foot Pedal settings are memorized with the check mark PEDAL in registrations, the current assignment of the Assignable Slider with the check mark ASSIGN"
I have always wondering about the PEDAL check mark !!! Chris clearly explains it. THANKS A BUNCH.
On the S770, the setting for FC7 pedal only shows Volume that affects the entire keyboard. I see no options to select styles, right hand or both.
On my T3, I also use the style volume slider to adjust style volume and assign the extra slider as right hand volume.
Using the slider to adjust volume is quite trouble some as the slider DOES NOT always reflect the current volume settings. A knob would be a better choice (like on KORG PA-1000). Same trouble on Genos !!!
A knob allows increase or decrease the value.
So I learn to leave the panel mixer on screen, touch one of the arrow to select the part I want to control then use the large dial to change the volume.
KORG has one knob to control style volume and one knob for right hand part volume. That is the best design.
Many Yamaha keyboards has two knobs (such as the S770), and the one on the right can be configured to control balance of style and RH volumes. The one on the left cannot be set to control volume.
By turning it clock wise, it increase RH up to 100 (if it was lower than 100), then it decreases the style volume. THIS IS WHERE the FC7 comes in, I use the pedal to increase the entire keyboard volume to maintain style volume.
And turning it counter clock wise will increase style volume up to 100, then it decrease RH volume.
Pretty weird design,
I never had trouble balancing style and RH volume with my old KORG-PA50, but on Yahama keyboards, it's quite troublesome.

Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770


The style volume can also be set to be touch sensitive and I use this feature too for soft style. It make the accompaniment more expressive and less boring.
Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770


Style volume touch sensitive sounds interesting. Have never made use of it. Where can I find the setting?


It's in MENU -> Style Settings m under the box DYNAMICS SETTINGS.
Tyros3 has similar menu (not exactly identical).
Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770


Actually, I found that using expression pedal is less troublesome (by experience).
Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770