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Recorded midi on Genos the to Cubase 12

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Apr 08, 2022, 10:38 AM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

I done quite a few recordings and got to the point i am at now and trying to improve all the time.
Just upgraded to cubase 12 and recorded my latest effort to the Genos sequencer.
Transferred to Cubase and done the editing that i needed to do.
I then recorded all tracks separately to wave tracks.
I noticed that all tracks were about 30 to 35 Luf's.
My previous recording did come out at about 18 to 20 luf's which is right in the ballpark and just what i wanted.
I really do not want to increase each sound by 25 to 30 luf's to start mixing.
I had to re-record and had to have the Genos volume up to max to get in the ballpark with this song.
A recording on the Genos from midi gets you there easily, but i want to do the work in cubase as mixing and mastering can be finalized.
I do not know whether the upgrade to Cubase is making things different as there are still a few bugs in Cubase 12.
Midi is information and the Genos puts the levels through the focusrite sound box to record to wave.
For Cubase owners out there what volume levels do you use on the Genos when converting to wave file in Cubase ?

I am finding that 75% volume level  now is putting the right amount of gain level into Cubase to get 18 to 20 Luf's when recording to wave and song tracks faders about 50%.drums sometimes a little higher.
When i get there i then use Neutron to gain  stage and mix from there also using tonal balance and Sonarworks and then finish in ozone 9.
I think i have to make a sound template, so each time i do not have to mess with levels all over again.
I do send to Cubase with no compression and flat and effect down.

It would be nice to hear how you work with Genos and Cubase.

All the best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Lee Batchelor

Hi John,

It's been a year since I last recorded my Genos to Cubase. I still find it loaded with trap doors. Hence, I decided to just use the Geno only as a MIDI controller for my VST instruments.

To answer your question, when I rendered my Genos MIDI tracks to audio, I found that setting my Genos Volume knob to about 11:00 did it. Of course, the internal track mixer levels on the Genos also had an affect, but I always left them where they were while recorded.

I'm still using Cubase 10.5. I doubt I'll ever upgrade. Each subsequent release seems more geared to the pro-level users. Beginner to intermediate users will never use the features Cubase 12 offers, nor will most of us even understand them! I upgraded from Cubase Artist to 10 back in 2019, and and then 10.5. I wish I had not spent the money, nearly $1,000, which included a few other things. For my purposes, Artist would have been fine.

Sorry I can't offer you much more :P.

- Lee
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Lee
I am still getting there and have nearly reached what i intend to do
I will willingly tell you what i am doing as i am only interested in progressing.
I keep saying i will drop covers , but i do get carried away
I should be going Korg wavestate , but i just want to get some templates sorted for working more quickly.
I must admit Lee ,i have been a little lazy lately and got a little dis-interested. Maybe winter blues!! ;D
I left off playing for a few weeks , but my live playing has now improved  and i do not know how.
The rest did something to me and now things are flowing. I do think the brain has to let information sink in and a rest does that.
With all the news in the world, it makes you wonder what it is all about and that dreaded covid , preventing us taking that ocean cruise as they are covid breading grounds now.
Now at 71 and on the final countdown what shall i put on the bucket list. More SEX!! In yer dreams Bubba!!! ;D

All the best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Lee Batchelor

Hi John,

I'd say your feelings about music and everything else in general are perfectly normal. Look what's happened since fall 2019.

Covid hit us like a transport truck. In Canada, we had these well-meaning "protesters" occupying our capital city for a month, which cost us $36 million in policing alone, never mind the damage they did. Then, this Russian butcher decided we've been without Adolph for long enough. Now it's his turn. So, it's little wonder people are fed up and trying to make sense of their existence.

Fortunately, everyone on this forum has a coping strategy that a lot of other people don't have, and that's our music. If you find the Cubase stuff getting a bit taxing and going nowhere, try sitting down at the Genos and just play some tunes.

Interesting comment you made about being away from the Genos for a few weeks and when you came back, you played better than you had for a while. This is perfectly normal. I made a trip to your fair country and Europe in 2013 and was away from my keys for two weeks. The only playing I did was in Switzerland, where I played a Steinway baby-grand for five minutes. It was a real treat! Two days after I got home, I had to play a Blues show. I was dreading it. I played the show and came up with all kinds of neat tricks I wasn't really good enough to play. I asked my piano teacher about that and he said that when you leave the piano for a few weeks, you may suffer some loss of muscle memory and flexibility but you'll also shed your bad habits. We get complacent when we play a lot, which brings on boredom and poor playing. We tend to play the same old licks and fills, and then the enjoyment goes right out the window. So, if you're unhappy with your playing, stay away from the keys for a week or so. It's good medicine - outside of a good draft or wee dram of Scotch ;D!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Recording is very different then playing live.

If you record with the intention to multitrack you need to start with a perfect base a base that you can follow
Not all the tracks will be mixed at the same volume.

Personally I needed for the program to record a 4 hours show.  I had many problems, I am a one man show and I couldn't keep an eye on the recording process.  Recording with a computer was not good for me

I switched to a multitrack recorder, once set the input of all the channels I can just play and sing, later at home I upload the recordings on the computer and edit to my heart content!  This works for me.

There are many ways to do this and there is no fixed formula, just experiment!  The performance is the most important ingredient Don't clip!

Enjoy making music!


in cubase you could try to increase the gain level of your channel editing menue while you´re recording - perhaps around 10-20 db -- look at my picture.
You have to choose your audio input recording channel!!

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Outlaws
Marshal Dillon's on the case 8)
I will look at that scenario.
funny i was ok in cubase 11 and the  stereo Input s was at unity and i did not look at the gain.
I do not know if anything has changed in cubase 12 but i have had the video initializing thing and a developer helped me with a advanced update, which of whom i cannot name.
But there are Asio Guard problems as well and most of us will have to wait for an official update. Over a month has now passed.
I do get what you are say and if i set the gain input like you say themn the Genos recordings will be in the ballpark for mixing.
i really did not think of that. Must be having several Blonde moments lately.

The cubase Initializing thing which leads to other stuck happenings are Chord pads etc and the fix will be in the official update.
I was told that i stumbled on a rare happening.
Since the latest Windows update on 6th April i am getting a more stable cubase 12 and just purchased Wavestate Native and that runs quite low on th the average and peak meters. so i am getting happier.
I still have cubase 11 in case of mishaps and that is rock solid
Steinberg seem to use people as guinea pigs for Beta testing Cubase 12 and this update should have not been released so soon.

All the best
John :)

Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi to all

Anyone who has Cubase with Genos  a Easter nugget is waiting Until Tuesday April 19th

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All the Best
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.