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Hello from Lionel, France

Started by Lionel N, May 30, 2022, 07:52 AM

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Lionel N


I'm now part of this forum, thank-you.

I few words about me : I'm about 50 y/o, I live in France, in Paris area. I work in the automotive field, especially in the infotainment systems. My interrests are in electronics, hardware, embedded systems programming. I'm also learning again the piano, on a Yamaha P-125. I bought a few days ago a PSS-A50, especially "for fun" but also in order to analyse the HW, and potentially to "mod" it.

I focussed on this PSS-A50 product because I read many interresting articles from @pjd, on his site (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login)

I would like to contribute to the discussions about this, and especially share a piece of information, following my first investigations and prototyping on this PSS-A50 : This keyboard has stereo capabilities (the samples are in stereo), but unfortunately, the engineer only used/wired the left channel of the SWLL YMW830-V. They could save some cents on the cost of a dual OpAmp, using a dual instead of a quad.

I'll try to write something about this or to join @pjd : I wired the DACLPP/DACLMM and DACRPP/DACRMM outputs of the SWLL to an external active Low Pass filter with a basic LM324 and a few resistors/capacitors (same schematics as for PSS-F50, and... indeed, the sound is now a very audible stereo for all samples. (I'm dissapointed because the Motions Effects the programmed are not stereo).

Hope to write again soon,


[update] : I uploaded a video with sound. Have a look there :


Wow, Lionel. Nice hack!

I'm traveling right now and will look inside, again, tomorrow.

Cool — pj

Roger Brenizer

Hi Lionel,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your Yamaha products here on our forum, especially when collaborating with PJ.

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Allo, Lionel! Comment allez vous?

Desole, je ne parle pas francais (pas encore. Mais, quand j'etais plus jeune, je peut parle un petit peu). J'ai cinquante ans aussi (actuallement, en plus un an)

I *used* to be somewhat fluent in French, but alas, it's been 30+ years since high school, and I've forgotten it all. Apologies in advance if I've gotten the genders of the words mixed up; that was the 1st bit of French to go. But on the plus side, my Mandarin and Cantonese have both improved :p

Welcome; your grasp of practical electronics is very impressive! Formidable!


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Mark Wilburn

Lionel N

Hello Mark,
Bonjour Mark,

Thank-you for your nice message and for your efforts, writing in French.

A bientôt,

Richard Kent

Welcome, Lionel.

Richard Kent


Welcome to the forum Lionel