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Started by Lee Batchelor, Apr 05, 2022, 03:38 PM

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Lee Batchelor

Okay, here's a great question...I think.

When I'm naming registrations, I need some symbols that should be available after pressing "abc," but they aren't. For example, I want to create a registration called "Piano/E.piano". The first 5 slots are various pianos. The last 5 are for E. Pianos. The problem is, the "/" mark is not available but I can have a darn "$" sign. What the heck is with that???!!! Name me one song that has a stupid dollar sign in it?

What am I doing wrong or does Yamaha need a lesson in the English language? Something is amiss.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Sorry, Lee, but l couldn't resist the challenge   ;D it'll come in handy if you want to play $ by Prince ;)

Kind regards,


Lee Batchelor

Good one, Russ. Forgot about that one :)!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Apr 05, 2022, 03:38 PM
Okay, here's a great question...I think.

When I'm naming registrations, I need some symbols that should be available after pressing "abc," but they aren't. For example, I want to create a registration called "Piano/E.piano". The first 5 slots are various pianos. The last 5 are for E. Pianos. The problem is, the "/" mark is not available but I can have a darn "$" sign. What the heck is with that???!!! Name me one song that has a stupid dollar sign in it?

What am I doing wrong or does Yamaha need a lesson in the English language? Something is amiss.

Hi Lee,

As stated in the Genos Owner's Manual (page 40), the following characters are not allowed in file or folder names: \  /  :  *  ?  "  <  >  |

For example, use the underscore ( _ ), the hyphen (minus sign  - ) or the equal sign ( = ).

By the way, instead of "Piano/E.Piano" I would just write "PianoEP". ;)

Characters like $, !, _ or the apostrophe ( ' ) are good to use at the beginning of file or folder names to get them to the front (top) of the alphabetically sorted list.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Lee.

I'm speculating, but the most likely reason "Why" the slash (forward or backward) symbols aren't available is because they're used internally as delimiters in file names. They separate folder and sub-folder names for the various operating systems that computers use (DOS, Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux etc) and Yamaha has made their file structure compatible so we can manipulate the files on our flash drives using our various computers. Not much consolation I agree, but at least knowing why helps me in most cases. 

My favourite work around is to use the underscore, so I'd (reluctantly) be naming the registration Piano_E.Piano. Not the best, I agree, but at least tolerable.

Oh, and to add to Chris's tip about making the various other characters work to your advantage, he left out the @ symbol, which is my favourite to use occasionally as the first character in either a file name, or even a folder name. It like the others he mentioned contains a lower internal character value (used when computers sort things) than letters and numbers too. I use this to my advantage like this. I have many folders and sub-folders on my flash drive, all names alphabetically in a meaningful way to me. But then, when I sit down to play my Genos, I also have a "folder" called "@My Repertoire". Because it has the @ symbol, it's always the first one in the list on Page 1 of the Genos file selectors screen, so it's easy to find. You can use this trick naming folders and even folders within folders as well as for file names, and it helps keep things super-organized for OCD types like me, and rapidly accessible as well. Just thought I'd pass that along.

Hope this helps...


Lee Batchelor

Thanks for the replies, guys. I see a real grey area here. A registration is definitely a system file folder, which means there are characters that don't work when transferring files to a Mac or PC with the Genos in USB mode. The problem is, we see registrations as "song names" but they really aren't. To be fair, I can't see any other way Yamaha could have handled that. It still is a nuisance and counter-intuitive.

Thanks again!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.