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DGX-670 Bonus Playlist Help

Started by Newbie Neal, Jun 24, 2021, 07:07 PM

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Graham UK

Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.


Quote from: Graham UK on Dec 12, 2021, 08:29 PM
Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.

Hi Graham,

It's very simple: If you have copied all .tsv files from the individual sub-folders into the Playlist main folder, as I recommended, you no longer need to go to the sub-folders later, but have all the Playlist files contained (all genres) in a single Folder available in alphabetical order. Normally you would always have to go out of the current subfolder first, i.e. back into the Playlist main folder, and then into another subfolder to load the Playlist for a different genre.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


OTS Link help.
Thank you so much Chris for the reply. The YouTube video explained the steps that I was having issues with. My mistake was that my tiny brain  :o processed the steps incorrectly. I thought by selecting the OTS button, the remaining Reg files would light up. I missed the part that I still needed to copy the styles to the Reg. :)


Quote from: Jalor1525 on Dec 12, 2021, 11:33 PM
OTS Link help.
Thank you so much Chris for the reply. The YouTube video explained the steps that I was having issues with. My mistake was that my tiny brain  :o processed the steps incorrectly. I thought by selecting the OTS button, the remaining Reg files would light up. I missed the part that I still needed to copy the styles to the Reg. :)

Glad to be of help.

You probably realise it but just to be clear, you're not copying styles to the registration buttons. You're copying the variations of the currently loaded style into the registration buttons.

Now you've grasped it, have a think about where to place the variations in the registration buttons. I originally suggested placing variation A in R1, B in R2 etc but the choice is yours.  If you have a look at different playlist records, you'll see they don't always start with the same variation selected. The Yamaha engineers have selected the most appropriate (in their view) variation to start the song. My experience of these playlist records (previously MusicFinder records) is that, if for example, the song starts on Variation C, it's sometimes difficult to get Variation A to fit into the song. As you probably know, each style variation gets more complex as you move from A to D so A after C doesn't always work. The beauty of registrations is that you can do whatever you like with them - if you want to you can change the Intro from its original variation to another variation. You can also set up each registration to use the same variation if that feels better for the song.

Please don't overlook my point about using this process to set up registration banks for the onboard styles. The DGX-670 has 263 onboard styles. It would be a lot of work to set up 263 registration banks one at a time but whenever you find a style you like, you can set up a generic registration bank for it using the OTS variations for the style. Just give the registration bank the name of the style. I find it easier to locate a particular style this way. You can always tweak the registration bank later when you've used it for a particular song and you can then save it as a new registration bank using the name of the song. This will leave the generic registration bank intact for another song later.


Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Quote from: Graham UK on Dec 12, 2021, 08:29 PM
Chris. Re your reply.
By the way, you could also copy all contained .tsv files from the individual subfolders to the main folder "DGX-670 Playlist". Then you have direct access to all 16 included Playlists later and you don't have to switch to a different subfolder each time to load a different Playlist (of a different genre).

I have copied all the Bonus PlayList tvs's as your reply suggests.
Now what do I do with these tvs file please.

First things first.

Your USB root should contain:

1. DGX-670 Bonus Playlist folder as downloaded and unzipped per the instructions.
2. A copy of each '.tsv' from each of the Bonus Playlist folders. There are 16 folders so you should have 16 '.tsv' files. (You won't be loading the original '.tsv' files so you can leave them in or delete them from the folders if you want.)

When you press 'Playlist', the last Playlist you loaded up will appear. If it's not the one you want, press 'Select & Save' and navigate to the USB drive using the Tab buttons. You should now see each of the 16 playlists (the 16 '.tsv' files). Just select a playlist and then select whichever record you want from it.

Chris's 'all tsv files to USB root method' cuts two steps out of the selection process. To access a different Bonus Playlist 'tsv', you would normally have to select 'Select & Save' then select the 'DGX-670 Bonus Playlist' folder then select the appropriate playlist folder and then the desired playlist. Using this method, you only have to select 'Select & Save' and then the desired playlist.

Personally, I would have preferred an 'Up' arrow rather than the 'Option/Select & Save' function in the Playlist window. At first, the 'Save' part was confusing. I assumed you had to save something. You don't, you just navigate to your desired playlist, the playlist is automatically selected and you just need to press 'Playlist' again to access the records.

Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Quote from: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 04:17 AM

Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Chris thanks for posting that. I have been playing with Playlists and I too discovered that the "Direct Access" button makes like much easier and you're right there's no docuentation in the manual about using "Direct Access."


Quote from: frozzers on Dec 13, 2021, 04:17 AM
... Here's a tip - not documented in the manuals - to quickly access the Playlist's highest level ie 'Preset' 'User' 'USB', just press 'Direct Access' then 'Playlist'.



Quote from: stephenm52 on Dec 13, 2021, 04:08 PM
... I have been playing with Playlists and I too discovered that the "Direct Access" button makes like much easier and you're right there's no docuentation in the manual about using "Direct Access."

Hi Chris,
hi Steve,

Just for the sake of completeness: ;)

The "Direct Access Chart" of the DGX-670 is not in the Owners Manual (as for example with the Genos), but in the DGX-670 Data List (as usual with earlier models). This chart also shows the command "[Direct Access] > [Playlist]" for calling up the "Playlist (Select & Save)" display. (See also the attached picture.)

By the way, if you haven't downloaded the Data List yet, here is a link to the DGX-670 download site:
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Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Chris aka OverOver.  Thanks for posting that, it's too bad Yamaha did not publish in the section that gives instructions on how to use the Playlist I think it would have been more helpful.

Carolyn Ross

I am having issues trying to load music from a usb (using the front access)
I have used the keyboard to re-format the usb as suggested in the manual
the files on my usb are in WAV format...but they don't show up on the screen when I am in USB mode
I guess my question at this point is...can this be done or not without hooking up manually to a computer ?
I thought this was possible to of the reasons I bought this keyboard...I can play the music through bluetooth connection but the keyboard isn't loud enough to hear over the music volume.  I would rather have my music coming through the playlist so I can control the sounds/volume of the keyboard while playing along
ty for any help you can give...I've only had the product for a few days....lots of stuff to inhale lol

Carolyn Ross

what does "Copy "DGX-670 Playlist" folder onto root folder of USB storage device." mean....please describe what a "root folder" on a usb mean...
I have put the playlist on my usb after extracting it but having great difficulty saving it to the piano...playlist never shows on the screen