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DGX670 RGT's & Styles Problem.

Started by Graham UK, Mar 24, 2022, 07:15 AM

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Graham UK

DGX670. I'm getting fairly well with the frustrating menu.
Styles have to be saved as RGT's but at times the registration when selecting it at a later time does not always find the correct styles the RGt was saved with.
I have not moved any styles so it's a puzzle.
I have to find the correct style again and resave the registration.
Checking with Yamaha UK Support state they have not heard of such a problem.

Possible the answer is to put Registration & Styles both in the same folder.

Any other DGX owner having this problem ?.



Hi Graham,

Did you maybe (accidentally) enable Freeze (and tick the Style box in the Freeze settings) so that the Style doesn't change? (When Freeze is on, an "F" indicator appears in the top right corner of the Home display.)

If it is not due to the activated Freeze function, either the Style itself or the folder/subfolder in which the Style is located was renamed or moved, or when the original Registration was memorized, the Style box was not ticked.

Please also note: If you sometimes have several USB sticks connected at the same time (e.g. using a USB Hub), this could be the reason for the problem (namely, when the USB stick containing the Styles is not recognized as "USB 1 " (internal drive letter "I:"), but as "USB 2" (internal drive letter "J:"), for example). If this stick is later used stand alone (as "USB 1), the Registrations would expect the linked files on "USB 2" and the Styles would not be found. So I strongly recommend not working with multiple USB sticks at the same time when working with Registrations.

These are the only conceivable reasons for the problem described.

It would not help to save the Registrations in the folder in which the linked Style is located. The full paths to the linked files are always saved in the Registration Bank file (.rgt). So if this path changes by renaming or moving an involved folder or the linked file, the Registration would still not work anymore.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Graham UK

Chris. reply appreciated.The list you gave, none apply in my case because nothing has been changed from the previous day the RGT's were saved. (DGX670 has only one USB Input).
Not all saved RGT / STY are affected, just the occasional odd one. 
My suggestion of putting styles in same RGT folder is to easy find & re-register the STY To RGT.
As a test at present I will concentrate with the RGT's in Playlist Var1 by adding Var2.Var3 & Var4 and resaving RGT.  There should be no reason they could cause a problem.

Stay Safe.


Thanks for your quick reply, Graham.

Believe me, the keyboard only carries out your instructions. I don't think the keyboard is faulty. I know from experience that, especially with such Registration problems, there is almost always a user error. Very often, for example, you simply forget to save an edited Registration Bank again. Or you accidentally save to a different location (and then have two Registration files with the same name but different content.

After pressing the Memory button, please ALWAYS make sure that the correct checkboxes are ticked for the Registration to be saved.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Graham UK

Chris. I understand, but after saving RGT I do check it by loading another RGT before going back to play the RGT I had just saved which does play as saved.

As a test...At present I'm going through the DGX670 Bonus PlayList RGT's and selecting the tunes I like & want to use
As the Bonus RGT's are already contected to a factory style, it will be interesting to see any further saving RGT problems.

Each PlayList contains just one RGT Variation, so going through the supplied OTS's and adding the remaining Var2..Var3..Var4.


I have the same problem. I save registrations in a bank and later in I cannot retrieve the proper style. I select the memory registration, everything changes but the style gets stuck

Graham UK

OverOver Quote. It would not help to save the Registrations in the folder in which the linked Style is located.

The benifit keeping RGT & STYs together in the same folder, is the style used is then easy to find if the RGT needs to be re-saved again.