Good styles for just percussion background

Started by jcm2016, Mar 21, 2022, 05:24 AM

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I want to work on playing jazz tunes with both hands, and having just a percussion section accompany me.  Meaning I want to use the full keyboard on the sound, and I fully play the left hand (not have it trigger chords for the accompaniment).   I totally appreciate that this means I'm only using a portion of what my SX900 is capable of, by not having all the other accompanying instruments. 

I've tried a few different styles and some feel really empty without the full accompaniment.  Funnily enough the start up style - Sky Pop - sounds pretty good even with percussion only. 

Any suggestions on styles that work well for this idea?  Any other suggestions on how to get where I'm trying to go?

Thanks as always


Very simple to do - Just switch the fingering mode to Full Keyboard, which allows you to utilize the style as well as the entire keyboard for playing other voices.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...




I play this way all the time, it's a blast for a piano player, my own band without having to pay them or argue!
But why only percussion? The jazz trio or quartet styles sound great with full piano lead. So does something like a simple country waltz style.
In fact many other styles besides jazz styles also sound great with two handed piano lead, I usually simplify the style by silencing the channels with piano parts or fancy riffs which might cut across what I play, but otherwise use the full style. Think of a concert with Liberace and orchestra! ;D
Experiment, you will be surprised how well it works. One huge advantage is how much easier it is to play those extended chords, or slash chords over both hands, rather than trying to twist your lh into impossible shapes.
I usually set the mode to AI full keyboard because it seems to follow what I play best. Another neat thing to do is to play the intro or even first verse with unaccompanied free style piano playing then bring in the style to build the song. Can be super effective.
You can also set up a couple of registrations that allow you to toggle between full keyboard and typical arranger LH chord / rh lead. Then you can seamlessly drop from two handed piano lead into something like a sax solo, ....and back again. It's all possible and while the arranger is not a live band, it follows your chord progressions pretty well in AI mode.