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Loading Registrations on sx700

Started by tomhscott, Mar 11, 2022, 07:41 AM

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I generally use the right hand octave setting at -1.  When loading a batch of external registrations they all appear as 0. Is there something I can do to avoid changing every Registration to -1 and having to save the changes individually ?
Thanks in advance
Tommy Scott


If you don't want third party registrations to change your setting then put the parameter block on.


Thanks Eileen
Parameter lock doesn't seem to lock the upper octave... unless I'm doing something wrong! :)


Hi Tommy,

The parameter "Upper Octave" is memorized with the checkmark "Voice" in Registrations. There is no way to lock the current "Upper Octave" setting in Parameter Lock (as is possible e.g. for the split points or fingering ). The Freeze function also does not help here, because if you freeze "Voice", this would affect the entire current voice settings of the Right parts.

One way would be to use the PC program "Yamaha Registration Manager" (YRM) from Murray Best. This allows you to write the desired Upper Octave setting (e.g., "-1") in Batch mode in all Registrations of all Bank files within a specific folder.

The basic procedure is as follows:

- If not already done, install the YRM version "5.1.1 Special" on your PC.

- It is best to copy all Registration Bank files (.rgt) to be edited in a new folder first and later work with these copies, so not with the original files.

- Start YRM and make sure your keyboard model is set as "Target Keyboard".

- Load a Registration Bank file in the YRM and open (by double-clicking) the first Registration of it.

- Make the desired Upper Octave setting, e.g. "-1".

- Make sure that "Duplicate Settings" is selected for "Duplicator" (right bottom corner of the "Registration Edit" window) and then click on the "Process" button.

- In the next window set the checkmark (Duplicate Settings to) "All Buttons" and click "OK".

- Set the checkmark (Setting To Duplicate) "Upper Ocave" and click "Batch Duplicate Setup" button.

- Click "Directory Duplicate" button.

- Select the Source directory (which contains the existing Registration files) and click "OK".

- Select the Target directory (to which the edited Registration files should be copied) and click "OK". (You can create a new folder here if needed.)

- In the "Directory Duplication" window, click on "Yes".

- Finished! The processed Registrations should now contain the desired Upper Octave setting. :)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you very much Chris...... I'll give it ago.  👍🏻😊