Stopping A Performance Entirely -- Then Starting Again

Started by jdup, Mar 02, 2022, 05:45 PM

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I want to stop a performance of a song completely (with silence for effect) and then continue. An example would be Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up", where he suspends the song beautifully, and then continues.

I expected that pressing the Stop button could achieve that, but it does not seem to stop it cleanly. I then tried placing the Stop in a new Registration, followed by a Start in a 3rd Registration. But I cannot seem to perfect it.

What do you recommend? Could I move to a Registration with Stop and with all volumes set to zero? And then proceed to a Registration with a Start in it and volumes back to normal?

Thanks, in advance for your help.

Jim Duprey
Jim Duprey
Genos, Bose S1 Pro (2)
Former Keyboard: PSR-S770

Toril S

You do that by pressing 3 adjacant keys in the left hand. But it doesn't work with all fingering modes, it works in Fingered mode only, I think.
You priss three keys at the same time, the performance stops, and you press the same keys again and it starts.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: jdup on Mar 02, 2022, 05:45 PM
I want to stop a performance of a song completely (with silence for effect) and then continue. An example would be Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up", where he suspends the song beautifully, and then continues.

I expected that pressing the Stop button could achieve that, but it does not seem to stop it cleanly. I then tried placing the Stop in a new Registration, followed by a Start in a 3rd Registration. But I cannot seem to perfect it.

What do you recommend? Could I move to a Registration with Stop and with all volumes set to zero? And then proceed to a Registration with a Start in it and volumes back to normal?...

Hi Jim,

You can of course use a registration to set the volumes of all desired Parts to zero, and swtch back to the normal volumes with another registration. This works well if at least one Part is NOT muted (e.g. bass and or drums). When all Parts are muted,, you have to count the bar very precisely during the break and then activate the second registration exactly "on the beat" because the style continues to run silently in the background.

In the case at hand (if you want to temporarily stop the accompaniment entirely), I would use one of the folliwing two methods:

1. It's easiest if you don't use the "Stop" button to stop the accompaniment, but press "Sync Start". This will stop the style (and activating "Sync Start" again), and as soon as you play the next chord with your left hand, the style will start again perfectly.


2. Turn on "Sync Start" and "Sync Stop" at the same time and define a suitable "Synchro Stop Window" in the Style Settings. If you then hit a chord very shortly, the style will stop (but not if you hold the chords a little longer). If the function is not needed (anymore), you simply switch "Sync Stop" off again.

By the way, the "Synchro Stop Window" setting is automatically memorized with the "Style" checkbox in Registrations.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thank you, Toril and thank you, Chris.

I tried all of your suggestions, and the one that worked the best for me was using "Sync Start" to stop and then to start.

It came to a total stop, and was so clean and crisp. That is what I was seeking. (But counterintuitive, eh? Hit SyncStart to stop?).

Thanks so much. I am grateful.

Jim Duprey
Jim Duprey
Genos, Bose S1 Pro (2)
Former Keyboard: PSR-S770


I use a pedal to perform a SyncStart as it keeps my hands free to do other things and I'm more in control.
And I store those settings in a Registration bank of course.

In fact, I use 3 pedals, one for volume (which may be used for other commands as well), one for moving to the next button in a Registration bank (see Sequence) and one assigned to different actions, like stopping/restarting the Style using SyncStart, or inserting a break, using a Multi Pad and so on. So many commands to choose from!

Together with Registration & Sequence, these pedal actions help me enormously in controlling my actions so that my hands don't need to fly left and right over the buttons on the keyboard... it's hard enough for me to play the correct notes and chords ;-)

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


The best way would be to create an ENDING about 4 measures LONG.
Then place that ENDING into MAIN D.
The break would then occur naturally and you could then restart the song at any point. As that MAIN is 4 measures long.

Here is an example in this Randy Travis song "Before You Kill Us All", where I needed such an extended PAUSE in the song.

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In this case I restart the song just before I say the word "ALL" by pressing the MAIN B

To create such a break, you need to use an OLD SF1 style. Then Expanded a ONE measure ending (or break) to 4 measures. Then use the style EDIT tab to delete in each of the tracks, all notes in measures 2, 3, and 4 of the style part.

If you intend to start making your own custom styles, it would be worth your time to make one you like.



Thank you, Stijn, and thank you, Drake. I do use 3 pedals, and they are extremely helpful.

Drake, I have not yet modified a Style. I guess that is my next step in this journey. But you are a Phd and I am in elementary school! Do you recommend I begin with the Style Creator tool within the Genos, or obtain Style Magic or something similar?

Thanks for all you do for all of us.

Jim Duprey
Jim Duprey
Genos, Bose S1 Pro (2)
Former Keyboard: PSR-S770



Do you use Registrations? I find them very helpful and I couldn't manage without them.

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


To me Registrations are the heart of any keyboard.


I could not agree more. I use one complete bank of registrations for each song, and I name it after the song name. When I select the registration, it also displays my .pdf of the song on my laptop.


Jim Duprey
Genos, Bose S1 Pro (2)
Former Keyboard: PSR-S770

Fred Smith

Here's a video on the various ways to control the rhythm on the keyboard:

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Jim

I have not used Style Magic but the Style Creator is free and on your keyboard. I am sure there is a learning curve either way you go.
I started out just hunting down the parts I needed within my existing styles. Then if I found a better part (some time later) I go back and update the style again.

I have updated Folsom Prison Blues at least 4 times over the years. I heard something I liked better and updated a single part in it.

For what are describing in this thread, I would simple opt for using the stop/start button.