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Genos vs Tyros vs MOTIF XF Voice Comparison

Started by Jean Abdou, Nov 30, 2017, 08:11 PM

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Jean Abdou

Here is a part of a work I sequenced on my MOTIF XF a year and a half ago (obviously, it is oriental so if you don't like the tatest of oriental music it is your loss  ;D ):
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I am sure there are many professional arranger players on this forum. I'd be more than happy to hear what you have come up with your Tyros and Genos.

The instruments used:
drumkit, percussion, bass guitar, piano, classical guitar, harps, flutes (duet), String section (5 part harmony with legato) thus 13 instruments in total. It is all done on MOTIF XF and no other VSTs etc used. There are for sure some typos and I hope they're forgivable.


Thank you for sharing this, Jean! It was very nice to listen to. :)


Jean, excellent composition, very well performed, and the right hand instruments sounded very realistic. I am not a big fan of middle eastern music, but I do recognize good talent when I hear it. When you said Oriental I was expecting far eastern music, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc... My mistake.

As for typos, I really do not worry too much about them, particularly if English is you second language.

Good luck,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...

Jean Abdou

Zero competent Tyros/Genos demo yet. And my assumption is there will never be ;D Maybe my MOX6 is a good candidate to compare it with Genos?!

I'm not interested in the factory made voices as I believe the majority of them fall short for a good live performance. What I'm expecting is to hear some custom-made fat, voluminous string or brass sections. I would really love to see how you use ensemble functionality in Genos/Tyros5. I assume it should be really easy to make sax/trumpet quartets or a custom brass ensemble on it (of course if you can create a VOICE properly on Genos or Tyros5).

Quote from: SeaGtGruff on Nov 30, 2017, 08:24 PM
Thank you for sharing this, Jean! It was very nice to listen to. :)
Quote from: travlin-easy on Nov 30, 2017, 08:54 PM
Jean, excellent composition, very well performed, and the right hand instruments sounded very realistic. I am not a big fan of middle eastern music, but I do recognize good talent when I hear it. When you said Oriental I was expecting far eastern music, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc... My mistake.

As for typos, I really do not worry too much about them, particularly if English is you second language.

Good luck,

Gary  8)

You are welcome and thanks for your compliments. The sole purpose of this post is to compare the VOICEs of Tyros5 and Genos with MOTIF XF. The waveroms have identical waveforms (samples). It should be reasonable to compare them.

There is no right hand in this song and since the String sections have legato and the slight delay, it is actually impossible to play it live. As I mentioned before, I never play string sections or guitars live on a keyboard. I can do much better by avoiding them. It's all sequenced. I will the second piano on top using a VST and the singer will sing the song.

PS I'm not necessarily expecting in the same genre! I also have a good judgment of western music. So don't get discouraged by my initial post!