Latest version of EMC Style Works XT 4.999

Started by DjTony1981, Mar 01, 2022, 06:16 PM

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Hi to all, i've founded a zip of probably latest version of Style Works XT 4.999 Universal with last modify date "08 Feb 2020". If anyone have a early version please post it too.  ;)

Thank to all.

[Broken download link removed by overover]

Joe H

This is an unregistered version of the program with no serial number or PIN 1.  I doubt that there is a way to make it work.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Gunnar Jonny


The very latest version of EMC SW Universal that was downloadable from EMC is 4.9991, and date January 5 - 2021.
As we can see, it was very close to v5, that as I understood by Klaus, would become a major update.
Btw, to get the popup with your Serial and Pin1 to appear, you also need to have the dat-file that Klaus privided for use when install. The encrypted file probably contain customers userdata and serial.
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)



I installed this version and just clicking when ask for a PIN 1&2 the proggie starts up with no problem. Also saving works fine by me.

Regards <> Piet
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module

Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: pieterpan on Mar 02, 2022, 02:25 AM

I installed this version and just clicking when ask for a PIN 1&2 the proggie starts up with no problem. Also saving works fine by me.

Regards <> Piet

If this works at a fresh install, it is what we call a crack and illegal. I'm not a saint in any way, but I'm a huge opponent of such. When I need any programs, I buy them legally.
But, in this case and so far, customers without backups or cloned disks have not any known options to get the program run at all if a new install is nessesary, so maybe there is an excause for it.

I clicked 'thank you' by a mistake when should click 'quote'. If this is the cure for the EMC customers, I guess the 'tank you' should be placed at the post at top. :)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)



I agree with you but the maker past away and not leaving his knowledge to another wich way we can buy this software. Do you know another,legal, way??
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module


Quote from: Gunnar Jonny on Mar 02, 2022, 02:19 AM

The very latest version of EMC SW Universal that was downloadable from EMC is 4.9991, and date January 5 - 2021.
As we can see, it was very close to v5, that as I understood by Klaus, would become a major update.
Btw, to get the popup with your Serial and Pin1 to appear, you also need to have the dat-file that Klaus privided for use when install. The encrypted file probably contain customers userdata and serial.

Please, share it.


Quote from: pieterpan on Mar 02, 2022, 02:25 AM

I installed this version and just clicking when ask for a PIN 1&2 the proggie starts up with no problem. Also saving works fine by me.

Regards <> Piet
On a fresh install it says you have a 2 day grace period. If you've gotten it to work after the 2 days I would like to know.
I purchased EMC Style Works, but the computer I have it installed it on no longer works, so I'm out of luck as many of you are.


Who - if anyone - is the company/developer who owns this product?

I searched and clicked links to the EMC Website - but its no longer there.

Did the company just go bust - or like another developer ( of LiveStyler I recall ) sadly pass away?


Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: nonchai on Jul 14, 2022, 12:25 PM
Who - if anyone - is the company/developer who owns this product?

I searched and clicked links to the EMC Website - but its no longer there.

Did the company just go bust - or like another developer ( of LiveStyler I recall ) sadly pass away?

The owner and creator was Klaus Grosser. He managed this as a 'one man business'. Unfortunately he passed away due to Covid19.
The website closed down shortly after, and as far as I know, there was no one to carry on with his work and business.
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: kharri on Apr 01, 2022, 09:58 PM
On a fresh install it says you have a 2 day grace period. If you've gotten it to work after the 2 days I would like to know.
I purchased EMC Style Works, but the computer I have it installed it on no longer works, so I'm out of luck as many of you are.

You can most likely simply back date your PC's DATE to a date before the installation was done and open the program that way.

I have found that Demo programs can sometimes be started that way in the past.  ;)

Joe H

This is a final report on the matter.

As Gunnar stated, Klaus Grosser (aka: EMC software) was the software programmer for StyleWorks (create styles from MIDI song files) and Style Factory (create styles from a database of style phrases)  He passed away from Covid-19 in March of 2021.

Klaus had no employees or professional associates in his software company and apparently had no contact with his family.  So there is a question about who owns the copyrights to his software.

I have been researching to find out who owns the copyrights to Klaus Grosser's EMC software. (EMC software Klaus Großer). I contacted an expert in International copyright law and he directed me to the German Patent and Trademark Office and also the  Software Preservation Network.  There is something called Orphaned Software.  EUIPO has a database of orphan works for copyright material where the author is unknown.  I found no record for EMC software.

I also found Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that describes German Law: Inheritance and Probate in Germany.  There are always heirs to copyrighted materials whether they make a claim or not and even if they are not included in a will.  Heirs also inherit any debts left by the deceased.  The problem is finding out who are the EMC heirs. German law protects copyright material for 70 years after death.

I didn't find an heir: So it's a matter of personal interest and judgement to find someone who can create a new PIN2 or (do it yourself using KeyGen software) for your EMC software in the event of a computer crash or installing the program on a new computer. The copyright expert (who asked for confidentiality) alluded to possible private hacking of PIN2 

Another option in the event of a computer crash is to clone your hard drive or make an IOS image to restore your computer to its original state. 

I think I have exhausted all my efforts to find a solution for those who would like to keep using EMC software in the future.

Case is CLOSED!

Joe H

Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


A real shame. thanks for your efforts in this regard.

Do you happen to know about or have looked into the situation with LiveStyler?


If anyone has problems, feel free to contact me.


Thanks Guys,
Haven't had EMC installed for a while now, after my old computer crashed.  At least now I know what has happened. I tried looking up the site, but had no luck.   Probably won't bother with it anymore. Sad about Klaus.
Best wishes
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Surely the most respectful thing to do is just accept that the software is no longer available.
Trying to hack into Klaus' work or find password workarounds after he lost his life to Covid, is, in my view, pretty low. Just don't. As a group, we're better people than that surely?

Please properly respect the guys memory.
Or better still.... If you're capable of writing such software then write it, and dedicate it to Klaus.

Just my personal feelings about it. 😊
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apologies in advance, I know this is a very old thread. Does anyone have the latest version of the program (v4.999) without sharing any registration info ?
The link that DjTony1981 shared is no longer active.

I looked online but it seems that all download links are down.

Many thanks


Thanks for your help. The link is not available. Can you help me?

Edited by Alex: (Translated by Google Translate)
@Martinez  Please post in English only, as we are an English speaking forum.

Kawai Fan

Quote from: Joe H on Mar 01, 2022, 06:43 PMThis is an unregistered version of the program with no serial number or PIN 1.  I doubt that there is a way to make it work.

Joe H

Hi Joe,

Can you please share with me this software Style Works Universal 4.9 ? (I want to update from 4.5)

Best regards



I've found this version here.

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Yes, it is compatible with Win11, launch it as Administrator.