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Warming up the keyboard sound

Started by adrianed, Mar 01, 2022, 05:54 PM

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Hi Folks
I would like to make my T5 sound a bit warmer, I suspect I should adjust the equaliser
If anyone has done this for themselves could you offer practical advice how to do it and which equaliser settings to adjust
I was wondering if an equaliser setting can be set for an individual song and memorised in the registrations only for that specific song but be set different for another song again memorised in a registration
Hi Adrian


To "warm" up the sound of my T5, I've not had much success with the onboard EQ or compression (probably just me).  Rather, I use an external Lounsberry "Tall, Fat & Wide" stereo pedal on the outputs.  It adds harmonic distortion (to taste) that helps, since the keyboard's sound is very pristine.  If you really crank it, it can get over-bearing.  But in small-to-moderate amounts, it adds to the T5's (or for that matter, any instrument's) sound.  Works great with Hammond clones, as well :-). IMHO, an underrated way to get pristine keyboards/synths/organs, to add some additional character and warmth to the sound.


Thankyou emasters
Thanks for that quick reply,
Yes it is pristine, seems like you have taken the trouble to try to warm up your keyboard by adding another sound
Everything is valid I will keep it in mind
I have queried my own thinking and how I would explain what I want the instrument to sound like
The instrument as it is set now sounds very light so it seems like I want to tone down the overall range
Thanks again, still working on it