RE: MusicFinderView program load question

Started by dlepera, Feb 17, 2022, 12:34 PM

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  I have downloaded the MusicFinderView program(Peter Wierzba website) in hopes that I can create a database only for my Sytles which currently reside in multiple(many) folders on my USB stick and then print them off. Sorry if I have the name incorrect. Not sure if should be calling it "PSR Style Database/Midi Database V4.7"   
  When I go to import my styles, I noticed that I have to search/select my USB one folder at a time. This can take me forever.
  Is there a way to so something like *.sty and have the program search the entire USB much the same as what the keyboard does on a style search and then have  the program simply populate the database with everything? Will appreciate any help with this matter.

Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hi Dom,

First, be sure to have installed the latest version of "PSR Style Database" by Peter Wierzba (currently V4.8).
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In the program window, click on the "Browse" button, then click on the drive letter that the USB stick currently has on your PC (e.g. E:⁣) and then click OK.

The currently selected drive is displayed in the main window (e.g. E:\). Then tick "Incl. Subfolders" (to the right of the "Browse" button). Now all styles on the stick are displayed (in the root directory and in all folders/subfolders). :)

Note: The first search takes a little longer because a small text file is written to each folder ("PSD.SBD", or "PSDMIDI.SDB" for MIDI files ). Subsequent searches are then much faster.

The program "MusicFinderView" (originally develope by Michael Bedesem, but meanwhile taken over by Peter Wierzba) has nothing to do with the "PSR Style/Midi Database". ;)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello Chris.
  Followed your instructions and was able to populate the database with styles and added the Simplified Style Player(think this is still a good one) and it played the styles.  Can't get this player to play Midi, is there another player that I should download?
  However, not sure what is being missed on my part because the database get's nicely populated(no sorted order of the styles) but I can not seems to have the styles saved in the database on my laptop.
   Don't see like an "apply"  'save"  "ok"   so I simply "X" but when I get back into it all is empty.  When it was populated, the program looks pretty nice except that I can not find a "SORT" options to sort things and identify dups, etc.  I do see the SDB files in my sub folders for MIDI and STYL but my expectation was to  have a DB file created on my laptop with all the entries in there to be able to manipulate everything without the use of my USB stick or even  having a copy of that USB stick contents on my laptop for this program to grab the SDB files. 
  Perhaps, I may be unware of the purpose of this program.  My other database programs for other things do just what I am saying, build the  database on my laptop..  Then again, this of course has it's own purpose and it's use is what I am not understanding. 

  Also I see the ability to manipulate these files rename, move, etc, is that not kind of going against what many of us have been experiencing with RGTs not working when we move things around?  Please understand that I am not picking/faulting this popular program, just trying to understand it's purpose and if it has any value for someone less experienced in the keyboard arranger area like me. 

    Perhaps I should simply uninstall this program(which I am sure has great value to one that knows how to use it properly) and blow away all my SDB files in my sub folders and abandon my idea of a database to managing the styles and midis.  Might populate a database on a Mainframe computer and write a program there to accomplish my vision of what I am after in a database. My view and that of this intended program must be going off in different direction.

   What am I missing/failing to do or understand in order to take advantage of this program.
             Thanks. dom 
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


PSR Style Database is mainly intended to manage your style collection in the program itself, rather than creating a database file. You can export your list of styles however if you want to (File – Export style data).  You can sort the styles by clicking on any of headers (e.g. Filename). You can change the default style folder that is selected at startup in the settings (Edit – Settings). You can add additional columns (View – Select Display Columns): some examples are time signature, tempo, SFF format, Errors (I use this to clean styles that contain any error), OTS info, etc. You can also eliminate doubles.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Hi Johan.

   That is good information.  I was able to export the file using the export filters and now I have a good starting point to build my own database using EXCEL.   Much easier than I thought.  Sometimes it's just the simple things in life that cause us the must grief and yet they can easily be addressed with the right tools and information. Boy never realized how many dups I have in my list of over 50K styles. Not a problem to build and clean up the dups from a XLS files/database.

Which leads to me now to my final and very important question and I think I have my answer but just confirming. If by chance I removed the actual STY or PRS files from the actual source USB/sub folder, will the rgt files get screwed up even though instead of finding 5 dup sty or prs, they only fine one.   I think they will???
  Thanks to you and Chris, I am able to move forward with my goal of creating my version of a database.

     Best Regards!        dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


If you remove styles, registrations that use them won't find them anymore, even if the style is still as a double with the same name on the usb. That is because registrations use exact paths to find the style file. You would need to reprogram the registrations that use the styles that were removed.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Hi Dom,

I am Peter, the author of PSR Style Database.

The program is intended for managing a collection of styles. The styles may be on an USB stick or on a HD.
The program works like a database which automatically handles and updates its database according to what is on your media.
You can do all kinds of things within the program. You can filter styles by any criteria, sort them, identify duplicates (real duplicates, not only files with same name),...  You can call external programs. You can even add additional data to the database.
For convenience, the database is handled automatically. You do not have to deal with a database file.
You do not have to export the data to EXCEL, all necessary functions should be provided by the program. If you miss any functionality, give me a hint.

All functions are described in the help.

If you have any question to perform a specific task, feel free to ask.

Best regards, Peter
Peter Wierzba
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Hi Dom,

The "PSR Style/Midi Database" program does not build up a "fixed" database, but always reads in all existing styles under the specified path (e.g. only the current folder or including all subfolders) "live". As already mentioned, the program writes a small text file (.SDB) into a folder when it is first read. THIS is basically the "database file" (separately for each folder that contains style/MIDI files). This means that the styles can be read in much faster later. If something changes in a folder (e.g. a style has been added), this will be done relevant .SDB file is usually updated automatically.

Simply copy ALL the styles you have into a specific folder on the PC (preferably in various subfolders so that you also can easily find styles without the help of the database program). You can easily manage hundreds of thousands of styles with this program.

My recommendation: Click on the "Columns" button and set the 20 possible columns as shown in the first attached picture. Click "Set as default" and OK to save this column mapping.

Then make sure that the program window is MAXIMIZED, read in some styles and now adjust the individual column widths as desired by dragging with the mouse (e.g. as usual in Excel). Now click again on the "Columns" button and there again on "Set as default" and OK to save the currently set column widths as the default setting.

To check the currently displayed styles for duplicates, click on the "Duplicates" column header. The style duplicates are then displayed in direct succession (recognizable by the brackets in the "Duplicates" column). See the second attached picture.

The big advantage of the "PSR Style/Midi Database" is that all important style information is read out automatically (e.g. internal style/MIDI file name, SFF type (1/2), MIDI standard (GM/XG), existing variations, Number of existing OTS, time signature, tempo, timebase (= resolution), errors, copyright, etc.). It would be almost impossible to create a conventional database (e.g. in MS Access or similar) and enter all this information yourself.

You can use the "Filter/Search" button to filter the currently displayed styles/MIDI files extremely quickly (in fractions of a second) according to all possible criteria. (usually just typing a few letters in the "Global Search Text" box is enough). Note: If the display is filtered, i.e. only certain styles are currently displayed, you will see this in the status line (at the bottom left of the program window).

As the default MIDI file player on the PC, I recommend the "vanBasco Player":
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I also use vanBasco as the default player for styles on the PC. The styles are then not played with a selectable chord, but exactly as programmed (usually C major 7), but this is enough for me, and you can also see the included intros/endings, variations and fill-ins in the karaoke display from vanBasco very nicely while a style file is playing.

It is always best if the keyboard is connected to the PC via (USB-)MIDI, so that styles/MIDI files played on the PC can be played back directly via the keyboard. The worst option, on the other hand, is to use the Microsoft GS Soft Synth. I installed the "CoolSoft VirtualMIDISynth" on the PC, which I always use when none of my keyboards (T5/Genos) are connected to the PC. The styles/MIDI files are then played back using one of the soundfonts installed in CoolSoft. (Mostly I use the soundfont "Timbres Of Heaven XGM 3.94". See also the third attached picture.)
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Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris. 
  As always you have come through with your great articulation of this program function.   Not sure why this information is not included in the  'README TXT" file in the program package. This knowledge base information would be in my eyes of great value to anyone new to the program. Now I am beginning to see value in this program.
   Really appreciate your feedback on this subject.

     Best Regards!              dom 
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Quote from: dlepera on Feb 20, 2022, 12:25 PM
Hi Chris. 
  As always you have come through with your great articulation of this program function.   Not sure why this information is not included in the  'README TXT" file in the program package. This knowledge base information would be in my eyes of great value to anyone new to the program. Now I am beginning to see value in this program.
   Really appreciate your feedback on this subject.

     Best Regards!              dom 

Thanks for your feedback Dom!

There are already various threads here in the forum in which I have described the basic settings I recommend for the PSR Style/Midi Database.

You could use the forum's search function: Make sure you're at >>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login (e.g. by clicking the "Home" link in the top left). Then enter e.g. the terms "wierzba database" or "wierzba columns" in the search field at the top right and click on the Search button.

The Readme file in the download is not intended to be a Help for using the program, but only contains some important information about the installation as well as the important note that the program can be started in Style database mode ("PSD.exe") or in MIDI database mode when the start parameter "-m" is used ("PSD.exe -m"). (Normally, during installation, two corresponding shortcuts are copied to the desktop for these two operating modes.)

By the way, the program has an excellent integrated help function: Click on "Help > Help Topics" in the menu. You can also press "F1", this is the context-sensitive help. Just try it out: For example, click on the "Filter/Search" button and then press "F1". This opens the help window directly with the topic "Filter Dialog". Or click the "Columns" button and then press "F1". Then the help opens with the topic "Specifying displayed columns". :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks again Chris. I have lots to on now.

                All the best!       dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Your're welcome, Dom!

I'm glad that my tips helped you! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)