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Style Request

Started by Jimbo, Feb 11, 2022, 10:41 AM

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Does anyone have a style for John Legends classic "All Of Me"

Kind Regards



I found three pieces, but they can be quite old-fashioned, like a square sound. Some shades may be different, but they are quite the same. I think it's better if you use a battery-powered jazz style and bass and drum. Experiment with how to get better results.

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Genos,  Roli Rise2

Roger Brenizer

I've attached 35 styles for you to try, Jimbo.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Thank you Roger for the share.  regards.


I must say Roger - you must have the world's largest collection of styles.

I feel in good shape with a couple of thousand of them and every time I turn around you're generously contributing dozens more styles.

Thank you for that.
